Forming client relationships in the online world may seem a bit detached. But it is possible to form deep and lasting client relationships. I like to think of the process of forming relationships with potential clients in dating terms. When forming your relationship with your ideal clients replicate the same steps you would go through forming a relationship with a love interest.
Step 1: The Introduction
Let’s be real, this step is often the hardest. In life meeting, the right people, whether for dating or for your business is difficult. However, there are tried and true methods of meeting that “special” someone.
- Blind Date (Referral) – You are being connected by someone that knows both of you. It will take you less time to feel comfortable around one another because you have a mutual acquaintance that you both trust.
- Local Social Events (Networking) – You may not know everyone there, but you’re all at the event for the same purpose. While it still may take some time to build the know, like & trust, you both understand why you’ve connected and can see a path to the end goal.
- Online Dating (Digital Sales Funnel) – These people DO NOT know who you are or what makes you amazing! Your job with this audience is to introduce yourself to them, start talking, building the foundation of a relationship. Show them how amazing you really are. You let them get to know you before you take that next step, be it a date or asking for the sale.
Step 2: Build Rapport
You want relationships to work out, but you have to overcome the uncertainty stage and make sure you’re a good fit for one another. If not, you move on. If they are, then you start to get more comfortable with a potential client (and vice versa).
This is your opportunity to share information that will help the client understand what you do, which will build trust and confidence in the process. In order to build a strong and lasting relationship with clients, they must be able to trust and rely on you as an expert. Explain to the prospective client what you do, why you do it, and how it can help them.
At this point, things get a little more serious. And this is when we move to the next stage: Dating
Step 3: Dating
Anyone who has ever sat through drinks or coffee in their search for love knows that first dates can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. Courting a client isn’t that different from courting a potential mate. You’re nervous as hell, but you still want to make a good impression and hopefully seal the deal. This first date is a getting to know you step that is low risk.
Dating, in general, is the opportunity to get to know each other better before making any major decisions. The dating stage can be long or can be short – some clients start dating fairly fast because what you offer just feel right. Other times, dating can be drawn out for months, and you know what, that’s OK. Some of the best relationships take time, and dating is how to truly find out if things are the right fit.
Dating opens the lines of communication and allows you to begin the first steps toward a REAL lasting relationship. You know the one that every business owner is looking for, that perfect client that comes back to you time and time again. Though dating you begin to build to the next step in every relationship: The Commitment
Step 4: The Commitment
The dating phase is over – a potential client is ready to do this thing. They’re ready to move on from just “dating” and are ready for commitment. We’re in this together, and we want the best for each other.
By considering each client relationship as growing and evolving, you can move the relationship to a collaborative, mutually beneficial partnership. This focus can make you more successful at building a sustainable relationship instead of simply doing the work and moving on.
Step 5: Keep the romance going
Because no relationship is every perfect, we need to continue to develop our ideal client relationship. From the moment you begin talking to a potential client to actually making the leap into “committing” and beyond. Communication is key!
Consistent and effective communication is important in all relationships, particularly relationships with your clients. You can create the habit of practicing good communication by being responsive to client calls and emails, scheduling regular check-ins, sharing company news, and interacting with your clients across social media, if appropriate. In general, remaining in regular contact and keeping your clients in the loop can go a long way.
Also, by continuing to communicate with your client you are able to determine what would be valuable to them. It could be as simple as delivering the project in an aesthetically pleasing format, hand-delivering the materials and giving an in-depth walkthrough or demonstration, or including a small value-adding feature that enhances the finished results. This allows you to continue to create products and services that you’re clients will clamor for.
When it comes to growing your business it takes more than focusing on generating revenue. The reality is if you focus on the relationship with your clients the revenue will follow.
Want to learn more about dating your ideal clients. Click here to download our dating your ideal client roadmap.
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