Surprise! We’re going to talk about sales funnels. Again. 

Why? Because I think there are so many people out there who think that a funnel is a really complicated, advanced technique or that it’s just for people who are further along in their business. And the reality is that a funnel can be quite simple.

A funnel is something that you should be planning and creating WAY before you think you’re ready. Honestly, I think most people begin to plan and create their funnel way too late in the game. In turn, this stalls or slows your ability to grow and scale. 

Most people think that funnels need to be crazy complicated. Let me be honest here, funnels absolutely can be crazy complicated. HOWEVER, they don’t have to be. 

I want to show you just how valuable funnels can be, even if you’re at the beginning phase of your business. They can help you grow your business more quickly and more easily. 

What Even Is a Funnel?

Spoiler Alert! A funnel is not what a lot of people think it is. 

All the funnel really does is take your marketing and sales process and automates it. If you don’t have a marketing and sales process yet, it’s creating a marketing and sales process and automating that process. 

Your funnel allows you to put all of the steps on autopilot without you having to manually email people. It allows you to create a system of follow-up that helps you to begin building that know, like, and trust factor with your audience.

It’s just about sitting down and figuring what is the best-case scenario for your ideal customers to move through? What is the absolute best experience you wish you could take them through? 

Then, instead of you personally making each one of these touchpoints, we’re going to let the super-smart tech do it for us. 


In the process of moving through your funnel, your ideal client gets to find out who you are and what you’re all about. They’ll start to know, like, and trust you. And then you get to make them an offer at the right time as well. If they are currently looking for help with this particular area, you know, you’re putting a great solution in front of them at the optimal time. 


That’s all a funnel is. Simple. It’s mapping out a process, using a few simple tools to then deliver that process for you in the backend of your business, 24/7. It just keeps on rolling. 


Hopefully, if you do it right, it keeps making you sales. It may be every week or every day, or in some cases every hour, depending on your business. 

But Do I Need A Funnel?

I think most people, after hearing exactly what a funnel is, would be like, “Yep, hands up. I need a funnel!” 


And some of you might still be on the fence, thinking, “Okay, but why do I really need that? What’s that going to do for me and my business?” 


Let’s look at some of the pros of having a funnel and some of the great positives that your funnel will bring to your business. 

A funnel helps you pick a marketing strategy.

A sales funnel helps you know how to relate to your customers. A sales funnel helps you understand what potential customers are thinking and doing at each stage of the purchasing journey. These insights allow you to invest in the right marketing activities and channels. It allows you to create the most relevant messaging during each stage. And it allows you to turn more prospects into paying customers.

A funnel helps you generate more sales. 

Depending on your product or service, the purchase cycle can be anywhere from a few hours to a few months. As strangers move down the sales funnel, they decrease in number. But, those who are still present are the ones who are interested in buying from you. The ones who stay will buy more. As a result, your conversion rate increases.

A funnel helps identify areas facing problems

The data from a funnel can help you determine where there may be issues with your product, service, or solution. By understanding the phase or the reason for their leaving the sales process, you’re better able to refine that process and increase the conversions.

A funnel will help to predict the number of purchases made. 

With a funnel, you’re able to get a clear picture of your conversion rate. How many people do you need to connect with before you make a sale? Or how long does someone need to know you to be ready to buy? This is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT information to have about your business. This information will then help you to predict your sales/cash flow for your business.

A funnel will save you time.

Automating the process saves you a ton of time, energy, and effort. Especially when you are saying the same things over and over and over again!


Once you start saving time, you’re able to invest that time into other areas of your business that really need your attention. Areas that are designed to help your business grow and scale. Or maybe you get to use that time for more self-care, or to do the things you truly enjoy, like better serving your clients. 

A funnel gives you the ability to scale. 

Let’s be honest here, there are only so many hours in a day. If we are trying to do EVERYTHING in our business, we’re never going to get to those high 6 and 7 figures. On top of that, if you know exactly what your ideal prospect needs to see, hear, and do in order to be ready to buy from you, it’s just easier to convert them to customers.

When is the Best Time to Create my Sales Funnel? 

This answer might surprise you.


The best time to create a funnel is when you have validated your product or service. This means that you’ve successfully sold your services to people and they are getting results. 


This will help you to become aware of what exactly your ideal customers need in order to buy from you. And that, my friends, is why funnels can become complicated. The further you are in your business the more you’re aware of what exactly your audience needs to be ready to buy. This means that your funnel may (and probably will) change over time.


That’s perfectly fine and to be expected. Don’t let it deter you from getting a funnel set up in the first place.

If you’re ready to explore how we can help your business grow by setting up a funnel, contact me today! For more about the value of Sales Funnels, listen to the latest episode of the Marketing Matchmaker Podcast! And, if you want to grow and scale your business to 6-7 figures, take the Profitable Scaling Quiz today to make a difference in your tomorrow!