Over the past few blogs, we’ve outlined the first four steps of digital marketing. We’ve delved deep into each phase–from the introduction to the commitment. And, now, in step five you really have the ability to create raving fans.
Step five is the ‘keeping the romance alive’ phase.
What is the commitment phase of digital marketing?
Always stay in contact with your present and past clients–even those who have connected with you but have either purchased your small product or who haven’t purchased. During the ‘keep the romance alive’ phase, you’re really able to warm up those clients and create referrals.
Why is it essential to your digital marketing plan?
Businesses grow and expand based on referrals. If you think about the business influencers–those who have a huge impact in the market–it’s really about those raving fans and what they say about them. You want to do the same thing. You want to turn your clients–present and past–into raving fans by communicating with them and nurturing their relationship with you and your brand.
How do you implement step five of digital marketing?
Use these tips to encourage people to commit:
- Keep in Contact: Continually reach out. Show them you care by asking them for feedback. Get to know their biggest problems and needs.
- Get Creative to Keep Selling to Them: Use the knowledge you gain from them to build new programs or courses to continue to sell to them to help them grow their business. The clients that have already purchased from you are the ones who are the most likely to purchase your future products. Why? They already know what they’re going to get. They know the value that you provide. Therefore, developing programs with your present and past clients in mind is one of the best ways to continue to grow your business and create life-long relationships with those clients.
- Encourage Referrals: Understanding that all your products or courses may be right for every single one of your clients, they might know someone that it is perfect for. And, you want your clients to send referrals to you. A referral is often one of the strongest selling points in business. If they love it, they can assure their friends that they will love it too!
Step five is all about what happens after the sale, and this is a part that so many business owners mistakenly forget. As important as the other steps of digital marketing are, step five is the one that will keep clients coming back and encourage them to refer others to you. Making sure you keep the romance alive will create a business that is prosperous online.
If you have questions about the ‘keeping the romance alive’ phase, I would love to discuss them with you. Contact me today to set up a time to set up a successful digital marketing plan.
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