In the last blog, we covered the important first step of a successful digital marketing plan: The Introduction Phase. If you happened to miss it, check it out here.
In our company, there are five steps to the digital marketing process. The first phase is incredibly important. It gets you out there. It allows you to let people know who you are, what you do, and who you serve. This is an essential first step in making connections with people who will eventually help you grow your business.
Let’s return to my dating analogy. Dating is a process; it’s about building relationships. The same is true for your business.
In dating, once you’ve been introduced to someone, you start to get to know them. You chat, find commonalities, spark an interest, and ultimately build a connection.
By developing your marketing around the notion of how to build good relationships, your marketing will be more successful.
Step two is what I call the connection phase.
What is the Connection phase of digital marketing? In step two, you build connections with your audience. People know who you are, but you’re still just a name. In the connection phase, you dive deep into who you are, what you do, and how you can help them.
Why is it essential to your marketing plan? Think of it this way: When you’ve met someone new, you don’t really know them. On the relationship meter, they’re cold. But as you start taking steps to build a connection, such as having a conversation, finding those commonalities, and figuring out their interests, hopes, or dreams, your connection gets warmer.
In business, you have to put in this effort as well. It serves your business to take the time to make warm connections with your audience. This is how you take your followers or audience from someone on your social media or network and turn them into a client.
How do you implement step two of digital marketing? Social media platforms are a great way to build an audience. However, when you want to start transitioning your audience into clients, social media is not always the best option. Why? Social media doesn’t always have that personal aspect and, if for some reason, your social media platform of choice disappeared, you’ve lost connection with your whole audience.
Therefore, building an email list is essential to the success of your marketing plan. To do this, offer something of value to your audience–your lead magnet–that they will be willing to give you their email address in return. This is who you start to warm up your audience to eventually turn your audience into clients.
If you have questions about the connection phase, I would love to discuss them with you. Contact me today to set up a time to get step one successful in your digital marketing plan.
Excited to learn more and level up your digital marketing game? Check out our other blogs here.
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