It’s natural to be concerned about your finances both short and long term. You may feel compelled to pull back and play it safe. You may think twice before investing in your marketing strategy.
I completely understand.
On the other hand, I also know that building and growing an audience takes anywhere from three to four months.
Heck, just seasoning a pixel if you’ve never run Facebook ads takes at least 30 days.
What does that mean if you completely halt your marketing right now?
It means that it only takes about 30 days for people to forget you exist.
So, right now, it is important to invest in your business, to stay top of mind with your audience, and to continue to connect and grow your audience.
First, people need you. They’re desperate for some normalcy. They are feeling concerned and lost about the future, and your connection and point of view help people cope in the current circumstances.
Beyond that, what you invest in your business now determines the success of your business within the next six months to a year.
And, if you halt your marketing now, you will not have the same momentum as those who have continued marketing during this season.
The good news is that you have a captive audience right now. People are willing and eager to connect with businesses like yours.
Connect with them on social media. Reaching out, making authentic connections, and leveraging your expertise will set you up to accelerate your business.
Therefore, instead of pressing pause on your marketing strategy, use this time to make engage your audience. See what your market needs in the next three to six months and use that information to effectively grow your business. It’s possible!
If you’d like some expert advice to help you achieve your goals, I am happy to hop on a call to chat with you about how you can accomplish your goals during this uncertain time.
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