Episode 96 – This is going to be the best year ever… probably
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As the New Year approaches, many of us are filled with hope and anticipation of what lies before. Of course, making resolutions to improve your life is part of that process. But if really want to make this year the best one yet we might want to look at things a little bit differently. Join me as I chat about how to actually make this the best year ever.
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Are you a coach, consultant, or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income, and scale your impact? Connect with me at YourMarketingMatchmaker.com I look forward to hearing from you.
Hey there, welcome back to Marketing Matchmaker. So we have dived into 2023. This is actually my first solo episode for this new year. And I’m excited to chat. One of the things that I have been seeing a ton of in my email box and all over social media, and I’m sure you can probably relate to this is this New Year New you theme that’s going on 2023 is going to be the best year yet grab the reins, yada, yada, yada, I’m sure you’ve seen all of these emails and posts and all of that kind of stuff that goes around that topic. And it absolutely can be the best year ever.
However, my question to you is, is it really is it really going to be the best year you’ve ever had?
Some of the hard truths that we all get to look at when it comes to especially stepping into a new year or a new season, or, you know, just a new change in our life, is that it may not be the best anything ever. Because we as human beings tend to fall back on the same old pattern.
So I love this thing. I see it all the time in my world. And maybe it’s just my own cognitive dissonance that sees this. But this thing is, if nothing changes, nothing changes. And for me, that really means that in order for you to Change Your Life, Your World, your business, your marketing, your 2023, or any other year beyond that, you get to make changes in your life to be able to do that effectively.
And what does that mean for you? It really means, you know, when it comes to business, and marketing, there are generally three types of people or three types of marketing mindsets that happen.
So the first one is that throwing spaghetti at the wall, you’ve heard every guru out there, you’ve tried every tactic out there. And none of them work or some of them may slightly work but don’t work fully. And you’re really looking for massive change in this year. But you’re not sure how to do that. Here’s the thing.
When you are in that mode, in that throwing spaghetti at the wall mode, trying everything, you’re not actually stopping to let things work effectively, you’re also tending to confuse your audience because you’re jumping from this thing to this thing to this thing, whether that’s, you know, different products or services in your business, right? Like maybe you started with one service, and it didn’t work for you quickly enough. So you pulled another one.
Or maybe it’s just the type of marketing you’re doing right? Maybe you were marketing on Facebook for a little while, and it didn’t work quickly enough.
So you move to LinkedIn, and then you move to YouTube. And then you move to Instagram, and you’re just hopping around these platforms. No one can find you because you’re just doing all of the things and nothing is consistent. Nothing is working in a way that’s going to be effective for you long term.
And I get it, believe me, I get it. We all have that scarcity or that fear that sometimes something’s not going to work for us or it’s just not working fast enough, or we’re not making enough money or whatever that thing is for you. I get that fear. And I want to caution you and really bring to your awareness that if you’re doing that, if you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall spraying and praying, hoping that something is going to work for you.
This year is not going to be any different than last year. What we really need in our business is a strategy is a plan is a marketing, sales, business plan. All of those pieces of our business are essential to really making sure that we’re doing the things that we need to be doing in a timely manner. So the second person is similar to the spraying and praying but they sort of have a plan, right? They have a webinar or they have a training or they have a goal that they’re working towards. But they’re doing it for very short periods of time. Right.
So maybe they launched this new webinar and they get A bunch of clients, and then they stopped marketing, because they have a bunch of clients and they don’t their fault. Here’s the problem with that scenario, it gives you this roller coaster of just income and revenue, right? Where you may get huge amounts of revenue at specific points.
But what happens when the when one of your clients leaves or when you’re when they’re done with the program that you have, or whatever that is, then you go rushing back out there, and you do this other mass marketing program, or whatever it is you’re doing. And it’s not as successful. That’s because you’ve taken time off.
Marketing is all about consistency.
It’s about doing the thing every day being in front of people every day.
Now, I’m not saying that you need to create content every day, if you’re not a content creator, it is totally cool to create batch content. What I am saying is you need to be visible to your audience on a regular basis. And you need to be consistently generating leads and bringing them into your business. So that when you go to open the doors, because you maybe the group program that you have, is complete, and you’re ready for the next group to start or to start loading that you have people to sell to.
That is so important, it is key to really keep in mind when we look at statistics when it comes to business. And I know I get really nerdy about data. And I’m not going to apologize for it, because it’s incredibly important. So when we look at the statistics, in order for you to bring on a new client, on average, it takes 2030, sometimes hundreds of times for you to be in front of someone before they’re ready to buy from you.
And also, if you’re looking at it from an overview, a funnel is like an ice cream cone for a reason, right, it starts to narrow the people that are going to buy from you realistically about one to 3% of people buy from you at any given time. Which means if you’re filling up a program of 10 people, you need at least 100 people to have spoken to and sold to in order to get those 10.
What I’m trying to say with all of that is really to make sure that you are consistent in your marketing, that that that up and down of your marketing doesn’t happen. It just makes when you open the doors to your next product service or solution, or your next program, or your next launch or whatever that thing is, it makes it so that you are have someone to sell to.
And that my friends is really important. That is what is going to end up making a difference in this year.
So the third type of people that are going into this year when it comes to their marketing are those people that have a strategy. And they consistently did that strategy like last year, and they were successful at it. And now they’re ready to take their strategy, their program they’re offering to the masses.
And those my friends are the people that really want to dive into paid traffic. Because I’m gonna tell you guys a little secret. Yes, you’ve built a really successful business organically, whether that’s through networking, or social media, or podcasting, or whatever that might be.
But when you’re looking to scale, they do that, then through paid ads. And millions of people in the same time period, that you can only reach 100 People organically. Keep that in mind. If you are really ready to scale your business to that next level in this year, you’re going to want to look for a way to reach a wider audience so that you’re able to again, increase your lead generation so that you have more people to sell to more people to sell to gives you more ability to make sales. That’s just the reality of business.
So this year, I want you to start with, if nothing changes, nothing changes. So if you do the same old thing that you did last year, you can get the same results and that my friends is the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing and expecting different results. literal definition of insanity.
If you want different results for this year than you had the last year, whether that’s just getting off the ground, or it’s really starting to focus in and grow your business, or it’s scaling to those high six and seven figures, in your business, make sure that you have a strategy, a plan, and a process that’s going to get you there. And then it’s different. Well, maybe not different, but that you are thinking about it differently than you did last year.
Because reality is, if you are going to do the same thing this year, as you did last year, you’re going to get the same results as you did last year.
Please, my new year’s plea to you, as a business owner, really sit down and look at what you did last year, what worked, what didn’t work and make a conservative marketing strategy and plan so that you can do things differently this year. Because when you change how you think that changes what you do, and when you change what you do that’s going to change how people interact with you. And when that happens, you get new opportunities to really grow your business to those levels that we’ve been searching for.
Now, if you’re struggling with your marketing, if now you’re ready to really step into it, but you don’t know what to do next, head over to yourmarketingmatchmaker.com and schedule, a free 30 minute marketing exploration call. I can guarantee we can help you get to those levels that you are looking for.
OUTRO: Thank you for listening to the marketing matchmaker podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your feedback. Please head over to Apple iTunes and leave a review so we can hear from you. And if you are a coach, consultant or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income and scale your impact. Connect with me at your marketing matchmaker.com I look forward to hearing from you.