Episode 91 – Alignment & Abundance IS Possible

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There’s no denying that the business world is a tough place. But in order to be successful, it’s important to stay true to yourself and align your actions with your values. That’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it. Join me as I chat with Pipsa Valkeila about how to create a business that is both aligned and abundant.

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Jennifer: Hey there, everyone. Welcome back to marketing matchmaker. I am super glad that you are here and I’m excited about my interview today. As you know, we are in November, it is my giveback month where I am actually having conversations with people who may not have much to do with marketing, but definitely have 110% to do with growing your business and being successful in the business that you’re wanting to grow. So today, I have my friend Pipsa- You know what, I’m not even going to try her last name because I’m sure I will butcher it so I will let her introduce her last name to you. Pipsa is a business mentor who helps conscious and compassionate women entrepreneurs go from overwhelm burnout, hustle, and scarcity to authenticity, peace, excitement, and abundance. Tell me how great that sounds. Going from being one of Finland’s most influential sustainability advocates with over 10,000 active readers and mentions from the biggest media platforms in her country. She has grown to become a mentor helping entrepreneurs get incredible results in alignment, impact wealth and happiness. Pipsa also lives kind of like me, in the middle of nowhere. She lives in a small countryside town in Finland, with her partner and two little ones, and can be found swimming in lakes, breathing in the fresh air of the forest, and basking in the wonder of it all. I actually love that. Welcome to the show, Pipsa, thank you so much for joining us. Okay, we’ll start with how do you say your last name?

Pipsa: Yeah, my name is Pipsa Valkeila. Is the same as it is spelled so, not that hard. But I get it.

Jennifer: People do that with my last name all the time as well. You know, they look at Tamborski and they’re like, “How do you say that?” and it’s pretty much like how it’s spelled, so. So I appreciate you being on today. I love your focus on helping women really be able to focus their life better on being authentic to who they are and running a business in that way too. So tell the audience kind of, dive a little bit more into that on on who it is that you’re working with, what it is that you do to help them, and and then we’ll go from there.

Pipsa: Yeah, perfect. So I have been in business since 2014. And I’ve been always kind of dabbling in it, just doing little things here and there. And kind of forcing it until I burned out. And I burnt out a year and a half ago. And it was the best thing that happened to me, because it made me realize that I am absolutely not aligned with who I am I am I have all these masks on and I’m trying to be someone who I’m not. So going from being a sustainability influencer, I started kind of sharing this journey and helping other women do the same. So now I work as a mentor. And, and I’m focused on these kinds of soft, heart centered, loving women who wanted to bring their heart into their business and not do that hustle, and grind and force and who want more ease and alignment and abundance in their lives. So that’s what I’m doing.

Jennifer: That is fabulous. I will say, I have been there in my own business where I got to the point of like, I am done, I’m over business, I’m over all of this. And it was because of just that, I wasn’t aligned with how my business was running. Not with what I was doing, I love marketing, I love all the things about it. But it was how my business was running and how I was running it because it was all hustle and grind and just, you know, continuing to move forward. So I love the fact that you’re helping. First, that you realize that in your own life and that you’re helping other people to really, to really kind of move away from that. I know, in corporate world, we’ve all been trained that we need to work 40, 60, 80 hour weeks and just you know, we’re all supposed to be hustling and grinding and, and keeping this all moving forward. And reality is that’s not really the truth. So tell me first, like, how does someone recognize that they’re in burnout that they’re there at that point of like, “I’m done”?

Pipsa: Yeah, it’s so kind of crazy because I feel like most of the world is kind of burning out. It’s like the natural state of being for most people, which is insane. (Right??) And often it has to kind of get to a point where you just cannot function anymore. Like my body had to literally break down for me to realize, like, I need to make some changes. But that’s how changes often happen when, you know, life bumps up against you. But, but like being here on the other side and, and realizing how easy and amazing life can be how, how things can just flow. It’s easy to now see that then most people are living in this kind of forced state where they are hiding between all of the like, they’re hiding all of their heart inside all of this hardness and pushing forward. So yeah, I feel like if you feel like you’re overwhelmed, I think that’s a pretty great sign that something has to change. And hopefully, you would change that before it kind of explodes into something bigger.

Jennifer: Yeah, I mean, I think so often women especially do this a lot, because a lot of women not all, but a lot of women are also partners, and they’re parents and they’re- and a lot of it feels to some women that like everything is on their shoulders, they’re doing the housework, they’re doing the, all of the things that go along with whatever stereotypical, you know, idea of what a woman should do, which can add to that hustle and grind, like, you don’t even realize that you’re you’re in the muck, and you know, you’re so far down yet. So when they hit that wall, like when they hit the wall, and they’re like, I am so overwhelmed, and I’m burned out and I’m exhausted, what’s the first thing they should do?

Pipsa: I think the first thing is to create some boundaries, to be able to actually listen to what your body is saying. So many of us just, we just go from one thing to the next and we never stop to listen, and we never take our emotions and our feelings seriously before before it’s too late. They’re the compass that’s trying to guide us. So yeah, I feel like it’s the best thing is to stop and kind of clear off your plate. Because there’s so many things that are not compulsory, even though we think it is, like that’s one of my favorite points in working with my clients is making them realize like, like, I have so much time. Like, I have nothing but time, like I don’t have to do things. And yeah, it’s really hard to kind of move into that space when you are kind of conditioned into just doing everything all the time. But, but at least start with the things that don’t bring you joy, that’s a good place to start.

Jennifer: That’s an excellent place to start. I mean, when I hit that wall so hard that I was over all of it. That was the first thing I did was sit down and I was like, “what am I doing that I actually like to do?” And honestly, sometimes when you get to that point where you’re that burned out, it’s hard to even see what it is you like, right? Like, I don’t like anything anymore. (Absolutely, yeah) And that’s a hard place to be as well. So, when your clients are working with you as a mentor, what is it that you that they’re coming to you with, and kind of how are you helping them move through this process?

Pipsa: Yeah, so I have been doing one on one mentoring until now, but now I’m shifting more into a course model, I have taken all the things that I’ve learned and kind of making it scalable and easier to access and also not as expensive for other people to, to help as many people as I can. But it’s like most of the clients who come to me, they don’t really know they are so overwhelmed. And then they realize they can’t keep going like this, but then they don’t know what to do like how to even stop and rest. So that’s where we usually start creating a list of, of all the things we’re doing in our day and then creating another one with what we really want to be doing and then comparing and very often they might not even have any commonalities, like we only doing things we think we’re supposed to.

Jennifer: That’s so true, doing what we’re supposed to there’s someone that once told me I should stop “shoulding” all over myself, right? Like I should do this, I should do that. And and quite honestly, I don’t necessarily have to just because somebody thinks I should. So when people are working with you, what is it that you know, like, the plan, like are you guys creating a roadmap of how to, you know, figure out what it is you you want to do or you know your your coursethat’s coming up, which I’m super excited about love courses. What are they learning through that process?

Pipsa: Yeah, one, one of the biggest things is tapping into our beliefs. I think that is one of the biggest things keeping us back, we think that our beliefs are truth, and then we, we live by them. So I think that’s the one of the biggest things to start realizing that we can actually create our own beliefs, and we can create our own reality with our thoughts. And, and we don’t have to, like all of the beliefs. And I think the most prevalent beliefs are ones that keep us small and keep us in a space of scarcity, like, you have to work hard to make a decent living or, or whatever. So I think that’s a huge thing to start with, you know, rewriting those beliefs and kind of starting to realize that they are not true, like searching for proof around us that they don’t have to be true. And another thing we usually start with is creating a vision of what we want our life to look like. And that obviously changes us as we kind of start uncovering our own truth, but, but really kind of listening to what our heart is telling us to do, like what we want, and creating this dream, this dream day in the life and then kind of leaving that, like living in those feelings every day to kind of, you know, find that feeling of ease, because many of us have kind of lost it.

Jennifer: I think you definitely hit on something that is is a myth that I think we need to talk about today, which is “You have to work hard to make money.” Like you have to work 40, 60, 80 hours a week in order to make money. When someone says that to you, when they say, you know, I have to work hard in order to be successful or to be financially stable, what do you tell them?

Pipsa: But that is absolutely not true. What I see all around me is that when these women come into alignment, and start, like stepping in their own truth, and in their own power, like money and all kinds of abundance and opportunities, they just kind of naturally start appearing, you don’t even have to necessarily do anything. Like when you show up in the world as who you are without your masks like with your heart open, then, you know, people want to be around you, people want to pay you, people want what you have. (Right.) And I think that’s so magical. And I love the, I love the fact that I don’t like I, I have the choice to work if I want to work, and I don’t have to work if I don’t feel like that. Like, we all have that choice, if we just tap into that place, I believe.

Jennifer: That’s fabulous. Because I also agree with that, like I think we as business owners and entrepreneurs and which is 90% of my audiences is that entrepreneur or coach or…, that we get to choose. It’s our business, like we get to choose how it looks and what we do and how we do it. So I love that. So what are some other myths or, or beliefs that people come to you with that just aren’t accurate, they’re not the truth?

Pipsa: Yeah, one, one of the biggest ones is that we have to do it all ourselves, we have to take care of our house, and our kids, and our work, and also the PTA, and also like everything, and that it’s kind of like many, many people feel like asking for help or hiring or just not doing something at all is, is a weakness, but, but it absolutely isn’t like when you know, the things you want to focus on. And just focus on them. There’s tremendous space and energy that’s kind of released and then, and then you just have so much more energy to do. And I feel like so many women have such great gifts inside them, but they just never make them into a reality because they just, you know, first I have to clean my house and then I have to do this and, and then then they will get to doing it. And it would be a much bigger way to change the world and create impact. If they just tapped into that. Who they are, you know.

Jennifer: I do know, I do know. And that’s I mean, that’s my goal is always to help, help people create impact in in their lives and in the world, honestly. So tell me about this course that you’ve got coming out. First, like, what is it and when are you looking to release it?

Pipsa: Yeah, this course is called Aligned and Abundant. These are my two favorite words. And it’s a six week program that is you get access to it every week, but you can do it in your own time. So there’s no, don’t necessarily have to do it in six weeks. Some people take more time in different weeks. And it’s designed, specifically for compassionate and heart centered empathetic women. And you will not find any marketing strategies. There you will, you will absolutely find ways to calm yourself and start listening to yourself and, and how to use that to create ease and abundance and an impact. And yeah, it’s, it’s, I have put everything I know in there. And I’ve put all of this stuff that I have helped people one on one, I put that all in there. And yeah, it’s you get weekly workbooks that are also, I will be recording as podcast episodes, because I know many of my clients are super busy and overwhelmed. So you can listen to it while you’re cooking. Or whatever. And then there’s workbooks. And then there is monthly q&a podcast episodes where I answer all the questions. And I might do some extra ones also. So yeah, it’s coming out in two weeks. (That’s exciting) And it’s gonna be in the world. So, probably before this episode comes out.

Jennifer: I didn’t realize it was coming out so soon. That’s awesome, (Yeah!) awesome. So for those in my audience that are feeling burned out, or they’re stuck, or they’re, you know, feeling overwhelmed. How can they get in touch with you?

Pipsa: Yeah, I have a website. It’s called it PipsaValkeila.com, we will probably have some show notes about it.

Jennifer: I will absolutely put all of that in the show notes so nobody has to worry about spelling.

Pipsa: Yeah, man, I also have a free free guide, called Six Things Blocking Your Abundance and How to Fix Them: A Guide to the Conscious and Compassionate Entrepreneur. So you can get that for free and then join my email list and we can start building a relationship.

Jennifer: Awesome. That’s awesome. I am super excited for your course that’s coming out. And for those in my audience that are right now struggling with burnout and overwhelm. And in the US anyway, it is the holiday season like our Thanksgiving is- Well, by the time this episode airs, our Thanksgiving will have just passed. That being said, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, all of that stuff is coming up, which I think compounds that whole stress model for a lot of people. (Yeah!) This course couldn’t come out at a better time for people, honestly. So I would love, like I said, I will have all contact information for Pipsa in the show notes. So don’t worry about having to type out her name. And if you guys have- are in that spot right now. Reach out, download her download, see what you can do to start making the next year, 2023, actually stepping into it in a way that is a breath of fresh air so that you are able to be aligned and abundance and have it a fabulous new year. Thank you so much for being here with me Pipsa. Is there anything that you have? Like do you have a last, one last thing to tell the audience like one tip, trick, anything that you want to share before we end?

Pipsa: Sure. I say follow your joy. If you ever feeling joy doing something, do more of that, that will lead to great things. That’s a great first step.

Jennifer: I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you so much for everyone and I will see you on the next episode!

Outro: Thank you for listening to the marketing matchmaker podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your feedback. Please head over to Apple iTunes and leave a review so we can hear from you. And if you are a coach, consultant or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income and scale your impact. And that’s with me at your marketing matchmaker.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

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