Episode 66 – Profitable Marketing Mindset

Profitable Marketing Mindset - Marketing Matchmaker Episode 66

Show Notes

What do you really think about marketing?

I think people view marketing as this big scary thing, but in reality it’s just another part of your business. So how do you change how you think of marketing?

Join me today and lets discuss how you can change your mindset around marketing your business.

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Hey there. Thanks for listening and welcome to the marketing matchmaker podcast. If you're looking to grow your business, increase your revenue and scale your impact all while staying true to who you are and the people you serve. This is the show for you. I'm Jennifer Tamborski, digital marketing strategists, fractional CMO, and founder of Virtual Marketing Experts. My team and I work with six and seven figure coaches, consultants, and online entrepreneurs who are tired of playing the guru game of one size fits all marketing. They're ready to create a business and marketing strategy that actually builds relationships with their ideal clients creates massive shifts in their business and rapidly increases their revenue. As your marketing matchmaker, I'm going to help you find the perfect marketing match for you. This show will teach you how to reach your ideal client, connect with your audience, build that perfect relationship and generate more revenue. All through a process I like to call dating your ideal client. Now let's go have some fun!

Hey there, welcome back to Marketing Matchmaker. So I am super excited about this month and what we have planned to launch at the end of this month. We have some super secret projects going on here at virtual marketing experts, and I am thrilled with how things are going.

So we are launching a new program in June, and I will definitely be telling you more about that in some upcoming episodes, but it is going to be amazing. And it is going to offer a lot of you, who maybe struggle with your marketing, a new solution. Super excited about that.

So if you've been listening to the podcast lately, you've probably noticed that the last month was spent a lot of time, on Facebook ads and there was a reason for this. There's always a method behind my madness. I'd been getting a lot of questions about how to use Facebook ads effectively, and if Facebook ads still worked and those kinds of things, those episodes really dived into the who, the what, the why, and the how of Facebook ads.

So if you haven't gotten an opportunity to listen to 'em or watch 'em on YouTube, head over there and take a gander, see what you might have missed. That being said, there is more to marketing than Facebook ads. And this month we're gonna focus on your full marketing strategy, how to really create a profitable marketing strategy, because there is a ton that can go into it. And there's a ton that doesn't necessarily have to go into it.

I think people have made marketing this big scary thing, and it doesn't really need to be. However, there are some things that you really want to make sure that you are clear on in order to create that profitable marketing strategy. And that's what we all want, right? At the end of the day, we're all looking to grow a business that helps other people. At least that's my goal.

I hope it is your goal as well, to really help people grow in their life or business. And on the other side of that, we also want to be able to make a profit in our business. So I am super excited to focus just on those pieces. Like the four key pieces I see that are necessary in order to create a profitable marketing strategy. So let's dive in and get started on this week's topic it all around your mindset.

Here's the thing. I am actually an NLP coach and trainer. So I have spent a lot of time learning about marketing mindset and more importantly about how our mindset has affected our lives and our business. The real key to success is your thoughts and how your thoughts affect your feelings and your actions and what those actions then result in. So we're going to talk about the, well, I think the big elephants in the room when it comes to your mindset around marketing. I've done a couple of episodes of those marketing myth busters. So this is going to be similar in nature. And yet we are focusing specifically on your marketing mindset.

If we think about marketing, one of the biggest, I think mindset shifts that we get to make revolves around our expectations. So if you think about marketing, marketing has been going on for a million years, I mean, reality is, is even before Facebook or LinkedIn or digital marketing or websites or the internet, there was marketing. Marketing has always been around when we had TVs, it's, you know, commercials. Before that it was flyers in the mail, or it was the newspaper, it was billboards, or it was door-to-door sales people.

Marketing has always been a part of business. And yet I think that at some point we have gotten so impatient with our overall marketing strategies. When we look at the Facebook ads from all the gurus that say your marketing can take you from zero to a million in just 30 days. I think that theme has kind of embedded itself in the psyche of a lot of people that, that work on the online. And the problem with that is it's just not accurate.

Can somebody's make a million dollars in 30 days. Sure. They absolutely can. And is that the norm? No.

Our expectations around marketing around throwing up an ad and it turning into a sale overnight is unrealistic. Also, I think we've gotten a bit disconnected from what marketing really is, right? So when you think about an ad on TV, or you think about a postcard that came in the mail or a newspaper article, those were really about brand awareness. And what does brand awareness do? It helps to build that know, like, and trust it allows you to provide value to your audience. So that postcard generally had some kind of coupon on it, which provided value to the, to the people.

And then when they needed - my favorite postcard that my mother always saved was for dry cleaning. So when she needed dry cleaning, she was heading to that specific dry cleaner, because it had that coupon that she needed, that would be valuable to her. The same goes with your online marketing. We have gotten so complacent because of Facebook ads or Google ads or any of the other ads that it was easy for a short period of time.

People were just throwing something out there. It was new and unique and everybody was buying it and then people learned differently that it wasn't necessarily new and unique that there were a lot of people out there. There are a lot of options. So when it comes to marketing overall, we get to set an expectation that this is a long term piece of our business reality is, is if we're not marketing our business, we're not bringing in leads.

If we're not bringing in sales, we can't sell. And if we don't sell, we don't have a business. So when we look at marketing from that perspective, it is essential to shift our perspective about the time it takes to market your business.

On the other side of that, I think we've also tend to have become a little complacent with what we're doing. We know that in the past webinars have worked great, and micro-offers have worked great, and quizzes and, you know, VSLs, and there's a million ways that you can set up a funnel, right? That will help to convert someone to a sale. The thing is, is that, unless you give something a try, you don't really know if your audience is going to react positively to that. Which is why I call marketing both an art and a science. The scientific part of it is really looking at it as an experiment.

We try this thing out, it works or it kind of works, but it doesn't fully get to the result we want it to have. And so we make tweaks to it to see if how we can make it work better or after we've given it some time we realize it didn't at all. And we get to pivot to something else.

That is incredibly important when it comes to your marketing is really looking at it. From that perspective. Sometimes we are trying something that somebody else tried and it worked for them. So we give it a try and it just doesn't work for us. It may be because, maybe that strategy has changed, right? Maybe the algorithm on Facebook has changed. So micro offers, aren't the best thing for coaches to sell anymore. Maybe it's a different strategy that you're using and the networking group that you used to go to on a regular basis to do organic marketing in, is no longer working.

Those are awesome realizations because it allows us to look at what we're doing and change either in minor ways or major ways, depending on what you're doing. When we look at, at marketing, from that perspective, from the perspective of a scientific experiment, it gives us so much more flexibility and curiosity, because we can become curious about what is working and what is not. And more importantly, why. Oftentimes if we can figure out the why it's not working, we can make it better or scrap it higher, depending on what we're doing.

When it comes to your marketing. There is this fear I think of investing in your marketing. And I realize for everyone, investing in your business is well an investment and it's crucial to invest in your business. When you're investing in your business, you've got two options. You've got time and you've got money. If you don't have one or the other, it is essential that you use the one you have.

So if you don't have time, because you are already a seven figure coach, and you have this massive business, and you wanna scale to eight figures, it is imperative to enter into the money so that you can be focused on what it you need to do. However, if you are just starting in the business in whatever your business is, and you don't have the money to invest in marketing, then it is time for you to learn how to invest your own time in the marketing so that you are able to create a strategy that's really going to grow your business and execute it.

Quite honestly, learning about marketing and how marketing works. If you don't have the money to invest is going to be your best saving grace. Now, I will say your wanting to be guided by an expert when it comes to this kind of thing, some kind of program, because the reality is is you are not an expert. And so trying all of the things, watching a, a YouTube video or even a podcast video and assuming that you can implement everything, they, without some kind of guide is a recipe for disaster and failure, because there are nuances to marketing that you may not be aware of, or if you're going to run ads or build a funnel or, you know, connect network in the right areas. There are place that there places and people that can help you to really understand what you need to do next in order to grow your business.

And I highly suggest investing in some kind of coaching program. It is going to be a lower investment for you than, you know, hiring someone to do all of your marketing for you. And it's still an investment because when we avoid investing in our business, our business can't pay us back, right?

If we're asking people to invest in us as business owners and in the coaching consult thing in online course world, that's exactly what you're doing. Heck even if you are selling a widget, you are still asking someone to invest in you and in your business and your product, service, or solution. And when we don't do the same thing, it really does affect our mindset and how we look at investing. So I highly suggest that when you're looking at your marketing, you invest either your time or your money, or maybe both, into your marketing.

So on the other side of that is when you are investing in your business, you want to also look at the investment of time you're going to spend on creating content. Content is essential for growing your business online for digital marketing in general, video content is king, queen, prince, princess, heck video content is the popper as well.

It allows people to really connect with you because they can see you. They can get that interaction that they're wanting and sometimes get connected to you in a deeper way when you're creating your content. I suggest batching it and creating a content calendar. I have a client who came to me and she's like, I don't understand how you create these podcasts every week. I just, I, I can't come up with ideas. I don't know what to say. Here's the thing. If you sit down for a couple hours one day and just write out what it is that you want to talk about for that month, you can create the content pretty quickly and easily.

I actually sat down with this client and created 52 weeks of content with her. It just was a matter of talking through the ideas of what it is that she wanted to talk about. Now, will she go in order of those 52 days? Probably not. However, she has got a year's worth of content that she can change up ideas, that she can talk about things that she can hop on alive on, or do a podcast on, or, you know, give a talk in front of a group on it really does help to have those kind of things laid out at least 30 days in advance and sometimes more.

Lastly, here's the thing; when you are creating this content, you want to be as authentic as you can.

So when I say that it, I mean, avoid reading scripts, unless you're an actress and really good at reading a teleprompter or you're actually just good at reading a teleprompter and can type it out. The thing is most people write a script not in the way that they talk. So it's kind of obvious that you are reading from a script. That being said, I will also say if you're uncomfortable on video or on a podcast, or just talking in front of them, having something outlined is incredibly helpful for you to refer back to, it really makes the content so much easier.

Always remember that marketing is a requirement in your business. In order to create a successful business, you need to be generating leads, ongoing. Rarely do we have enough clients to fill our rosters, to make that million billion, whatever dollars. And they stay with us forever. There is always turnover. And on the other side of that, there are always new buyers that need our product, service, and solution. And if you are not marketing your business, they don't know you exist. So really shifting your mindset of marketing, being a, "like to have", and looking at it more as a, "this is a piece of my business". That is a requirement you want to have that as the core of your business.

If you stop marketing, you are likely, you may not see this result immediately, this may be a little bit further down the line when you're list dries up. But if you are launching, let's say, let's say your list is 5,000 people, right? And you're launching into that list three times a year. Eventually that list gets tired.

They get tired of hearing you sell to them. They get tired of wanting to buy from you, or they may all have just bought from you and don't need your next thing, which means it is essential to consistently be bringing in new leads so that you can continue to have this healthy flow of interactions into your community, into your audience, so that you are able to continue to sell and really grow and scale your business. Because that's what we all want. We're looking to grow our business, increase our revenue, and scale our impact. And by having a really profitable marketing mindset around your business, you are able to do just that.

Thank You for listening to the Marketing Matchmaker podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your feedback. Please head over to iTunes and leave a review so we can hear from you. And if you are a coach, consultant, or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income, and scale your impact connect with me at yourmarketingmatchmaker.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

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