Episode 51 – Back to Basics

Show Notes

Let’s get back to basics this week and really define those things that drive your ideal client to you; who you are, what you do, and who you serve. I’ll dive in to messaging, funnels, Dating Your Ideal Client, and what it means for your business to build those client relationships.

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Hey there. Thanks for listening and welcome to the marketing matchmaker podcast. If you're looking to grow your business, increase your revenue and scale your impact all while staying true to who you are and the people you serve. This is the show for you. I'm Jennifer Tamborski, digital marketing strategists, fractional CMO, and founder of Virtual Marketing Experts. My team and I work with six and seven figure coaches, consultants, and online entrepreneurs who are tired of playing the guru game of one size fits all marketing. They're ready to create a business and marketing strategy that actually builds relationships with their ideal clients creates massive shifts in their business and rapidly increases their revenue. As your marketing matchmaker, I'm going to help you find the perfect marketing match for you. This show will teach you how to reach your ideal client, connect with your audience, build that perfect relationship and generate more revenue. All through a process I like to call dating your ideal client. Now let's go have some fun!

Hey there, welcome back to Marketing Matchmaker. So we are about halfway through January of 2022, and if you can't tell by the sound of my voice, I've been hit by the... Honestly, I'm not sure what it is right now. I'm just keeping my little happy butt home, and away from other human beings as much as humanly possible.

However, just because you get sick, doesn't mean that at life or business stops. And I definitely wanted to make sure to get this podcast out to everyone this week. Here's the thing in 2021, we definitely had our ups and downs throughout the year. And as we started to approach 2022, we really wanted to look at our business and see what we did well and what we didn't do well.

I know I've done some podcasts about this in the past, so really what we decided in my business for myself and for a lot of our clients, is that it was time to kind of go back to the basics, right? I think sometimes as we're going along in the world and in business, we get maybe too clever about what it is that we do and how we do it and who we serve. And reality is that your business and your marketing is all about three things; who you are, what you do, and who you serve.

Honestly, those are the three key factors to every business owner and to all of your marketing. It all revolves around who you are. And when I say that, I mean, who are you authentically? Not who do you present to the world, but who is it that your customers would connect with? What is your story? What makes you different from everybody else?

Everyone has a story, whether it's a tragic story or a story of triumph, or just a story of continuing to move forward in your business and never giving up, everyone has a story. So who you are and what your story is, is really essential to that part of your marketing. What you do, what do you do that's better than anyone else on the planet. Seriously? What is that one thing? And one of the things that I've said repeatedly is really focusing on that one thing, sell just that one core offer until you hit those revenue goals with that offer, that you're happy with.

Maybe that's $150,000, maybe it's a half a million, maybe it's a million dollars, whatever it is, stick with that one core offer that you have, that you are selling that is providing the results to your clients and then, and just keep making that better and better. And until you are completely satisfied with the results and the revenue that you're bringing in from that one thing, that one item. And make sure all of your marketing in some way, shape or form funnels into that one core offer, what you're doing.

And the last is who you serve, right? Who is it that you connect with? Who is your audience and what is it that they need to see here and do before they're ready to buy from you? I think that sometimes as we're going along, we tend to get a little clever, like I'd said a few minutes ago. And what I mean by that is that we may make that hook be something that's a little too high level. Maybe it's a little too esoteric.

Sometimes we try and make things seem, um, you know, really feel good or, or, or something that's that we think that the, we need to change their feelings about things. And here's the reality of the situation. People don't buy feelings, they buy because of feelings, but they don't buy feelings. So what do I mean by that? I mean, telling somebody that you're gonna make them feel better is way too broad. That is not going to get them to buy.

Telling them that you are going to help them change their lives is also way too broad. It's just too high level. They can't quantify that and get ahold of it and really understand what that means. But if you're a weight loss coach telling somebody that you are going to help them lose weight for the last time or that you're gonna help them drop 15, 20, a hundred pounds, whatever that thing is, that's something that they can hold onto and helping them understand that by doing that, you're also going to create all of these other domino effects that ripple through the lives that make their lives better is also something they can give a handle on.

If you're a business coach, helping people to get to six figures is something that's very tangible. They can understand hitting six figures, but helping them to, uh, I don't know, um, understand the mindset of your clients.

That's still a little, it's not something that they can grab onto, right? And when it comes to making messages for our ideal clients, we really need to be able to land that plane, set our, um, end results in concrete and something that's quantitative, and that they can hold onto and understand in a really simple way. So when you're looking at your marketing message, go back to basics, really look at, are you creating a message that your ideal clients want and need to hear?

Also when you are doing this, thinking about your funnel as an overall piece, right? We've gone over funnels in the past, and I know I have taught you the Dating Your Ideal Client concept. So I wanna touch on real quick, and then kind of dive a little deeper into that. At Virtual Marketing Experts, we really do believe that helping coaches create relationships with their ideal clients is much like dating.

We say that in the idea that there are generally five stages to dating that you go through when you are trying to create a relationship, right? There's the Introduction phase, the which is really where you lay out kind of what it is that you guys do for each. You know, other there is, is the Flirting phase where you kind of get to know each other a little bit. There's the Dating phase, which is for in the dating world. We all know what the dating phase is, right? It's really getting to know each other and, and getting in there. But from a marketing perspective, that's really Lead Generation. That's getting people onto your email list and starting to warm them up to become potential buyers, which is the next phase. Obviously it's Commitment. It's where they buy from you. And then we also have the fifth phase, which is Keeping the Romance Alive.

Because here's the thing: when you have a buyer, it is much easier to ascend a buyer to the next level, than it is to bring in a brand-new buyer.

You are spending a lot less marketing dollars by creating new levels for your audience and your buyers to ascend to. And that's really how you can scale your business to those high six and seven figures is really creating that ascension, that value ladder that makes sense. So when we drill back down to a funnel, if you look up a funnel online, you're gonna see that a funnel really has six stages in it. It's awareness and interest is the top of the funnel. And that's really where we have the introduction and the flirting stage, right? Those are the two stages that you're really kind of introducing yourself to your ideal clients or your audience, and getting them to know who you are and what you do.

And then we have the consideration and intent stage. Those are the dating stage, right? Evaluation and sales are the commitment. And then also keeping the romance alive, because let's be honest, if you can't keep the romance alive with your customers, they're going to leave, which kind of defeats the purpose of having them as customers. So really understanding the different phases of what it is you do and how you're communicating with your audience at those different phases is essential when it comes to really growing your business.

So like in the introduction phase and the flirting phase where we are really outlining who we wanna work with, and then introducing them to us, you wanna make sure, or that you using a lot of things like video content, this type of modules, whether it's podcasting or YouTube or lives or any other type of video content in the online sphere, make sure that you are providing valuable information that really gets people to connect with you as a real person.

And then once you've done that, you can invite them into that dating phase, that consideration phase, which is really getting them onto your email list, where you can further nurture them, give them something of value and really move them down that funnel till they get to the point where they're ready to buy. All of this is really essential when building out your marketing strategy.

And that's kind of what I mean, by going back to the basics in my business, it meant sitting down and really look at who we're serving and what clients we did the best with, and also how we could take the Dating Your Ideal Client, and really refine it for our clients. So last week I was telling you about one of our clients that hit $200,000 in the month of December. And they did it because we did just that.

We went back to basics and set up a process where we are getting people aware of who they are bringing them in for consideration. And then continuing that connection, nurturing and information through their webinars, through their email list, which allows people that extra touch, that extra step that it needs to be done in order to really be ready to buy. Saying, all of this is to say, by going back to basics, we were able to really help them to create that $200,000 month. Quite frankly, in the first two weeks of January, they had already hit 50K. So we're on track to continue doing that process even throughout the rest of January and onwards, because we have refined that process. We've refined that messaging and really becoming clear about how their audience needs to be connected with in order to be ready to purchase.

That's a question to ask yourself, do you know what your ideal clients, what your ideal audience needs to hear, see, do, and learn in order to be ready to buy? When you are aware of that, when you are really clear about those four things, it is gonna be so much easier to really grow and scale your business.

If you are at the point where you're ready to scale your business, and you're not sure how to go about doing that, I would love to hop on a discover call with you. Head over to yourmarketingmatchmaker.com and click on the schedule a call button, and we can chat about how we might be able to help you increase your revenue, grow your business and scale your impact.

Thank You for listening to the Marketing Matchmaker podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your feedback. Please head over to iTunes and leave a review so we can hear from you. And if you are a coach, consultant, or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income, and scale your impact connect with me at yourmarketingmatchmaker.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

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