Episode 113 – Jaime White Strategy Session: Unlocking the Mystery of Multi-Avatar Marketing

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Ready to unlock the mystery of multi-avatar marketing and take your business growth to new heights? Join me as I work with Jamie White on her strategy session! Use these suggestions to create an unbeatable marketing plan and accelerate your path towards achieving all of your goals. Unleash the power of multi-avatar marketing today!

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Jaime White Strategy Session: Unlocking the Mystery of Multi-Avatar Marketing – Episode 113

Jennifer Tamborski 

Hey there, welcome back to Marketing Matchmaker, I am super excited about this series that we’re doing. In this quarter. We’re all we’re diving into business owners strategies. So I’ve got some really awesome vulnerable business owners who are willing to just be honest about where they’re going and what they’re struggling with when it comes to their marketing. And then I’m going to help them create a strategy that can help them scale and grow their business.

So today, I have Jamie white. She’s the vision for Believe Crew, which is a coaching company that focuses on individuals that are ready for healing, growth and leadership development. After searching for years to solution for solutions to her own challenges, she found the magic happened. When she mixed healing, personal growth, coaching and leadership training.

She went from being an accidental leader to an intentional leader, she also went from being exhausted, frustrated and confused to energetic, joyful and having clarity. Belief Crew is on a mission to help individuals heal, grow, and lead so they can help how to be healthy leaders with healthy relationships. Thank you for joining me today, Jamie, and for being willing to be open and honest about your marketing and what’s going on in your business right now.

Jaime White 

Yeah, and this is gonna be fun. I think I mentioned to you that my husband and I have a podcast where we’re super vulnerable as he overcame addiction. So if I can handle that, I think I can handle this. But I know being vulnerable, about where we’re at in business is a huge issue. So I’m a little nervous, but I’m excited.

Jennifer Tamborski

Yeah, absolutely. And I think that’s why most people feel that way. It was why this podcast kind of developed in a series in a weird way. And I just kind of threw it out there. But I kept having people push back on not wanting to admit what was going on in their marketing, and that they might not be perfect, that their Instagram or their Facebook or whatever social media they’re doing is presenting.

So I really, I love the ability to just let everybody out there know that you don’t have to be perfect all the time, number one, and being able to be your authentic self, in your marketing and in your business really can help you to scale to that next level. So yeah, so let’s dive into your business. So you’ve got the coaching collection, right, which explain to people what that really means.

Jaime White 

Yeah, so the concept, the big vision is a little bit easier to see than where it’s at right now. Because the big vision is that there would be say, 100 coaches making six figures or more, and there’s like 1000 testimonials, like we’re making such an impact in people’s lives. Because coaches are helping each other, you know, everyone working in their gifts and strengths. And then, you know, working with other clients or recommending a referring people. And so it’s like this internal community really.

But today that that community is like five people, not 100, right. And yet, it’s already working from that perspective, because one of our coaches, I just find the idea of solopreneur ship is very, very difficult for me to even, you know, conceptualize as how this is, it works for people like major major props, and kudos to anybody that is called to be a solopreneur because they do amazing work. And yet one of our coaches has an issue where she really needs to take some time off, and yet she has clients that need to be helped. And so there were two of us coaches that were like, hey, I can help with these clients, and the other one can help with those clients. And so the magic of what I was hoping is, is really happening within the community, even though it’s on this super, super small scale right now.

Jennifer Tamborski 

The micro level, you got to start somewhere, we have to start where we are hold space. Exactly. And it is a really, it’s a unique perspective, because I’ve found in the coaching space in general, that they’re protective would be a good way of their clients and of you know, what’s going on in their world and, and that kind of thing.

Jaime White 

So this is definitely a unique perspective to Yeah, definitely. really leaning on that abundance mindset and like leaning in and being like, do you really believe it?

Jennifer Tamborski 

Okay, exactly. Yeah. Yeah, cuz that is that is the fear, right? That someone’s gonna steal your client or someone who’s going to, you know, make you lose a client, especially with that whole? I’m going on vacation.

Jaime White 

Right? Yeah. No, I’ve worked with coaches for about 18 months, and then it’s time for me to work with a different one. And sometimes I’m working with three at the same time. And so if I come from that perspective, they’re not going to stick around anyway, even if I try and hold on to them.

You know, there’s a point where people you know, we’re we’re called to quit our jobs or, you know, quit clients. And we kind of hold on because of the fear that there’s no gonna be another one or there’s not going to be a better opportunity or whatever. And that’s not what we’re called to do. That’s anyway, my perspective.

Jennifer Tamborski 

I agree with that. I mean, even in the marketing world, the biggest problem that most agencies have is churn, right? People stay with you for X amount of time. And then they’re, they’re off. And so you have two options. You can embrace the churn and understand that it’s going to happen, or you can try and fight it, trying to fight makes you exhausted and like, so. So yeah, I mean, I totally agree with that perspective. So tell me how, how have you? What is your marketing looks like so far? Yeah, even working..

Jaime White 

what’s working what’s not working? Yeah. So first of all, just to kind of get a little bit more clarity on the bigger picture is that I want every coach to be able to work in their unique gifts and talents. And we’re really called to work with coaches that don’t want to build out their own sales funnels all the time. But yet, at the same time, if they’re called to work in their unique gifts and talent, I need them to become more visible and to be more. We’re still gonna have to sell, we’re still gonna have to market part of it, right? Yeah. And so Believe Crew can do a certain amount of marketing.

And what we found is, we can help people become more visible, be comfortable with becoming more visible help on the process. But yet, it’s really a two pronged approach. We can’t do it all. And we can’t, so So what’s working super beautifully, is when a coach comes in with us, I make introductions to people that are in my network that I’d love for them to meet. That helps them get comfortable having conversations with people, potentially giving them experience of what it’s like to work with them, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to convert to clients, but it’s getting them, you know, comfortable in some new ways, and some new areas, and maybe they do become clients, you know, like I’ve had some where that’s worked in somewhere, not so much.

And then the next piece is getting them visible on a podcast, it’s probably the first podcast, I love asking questions. And we even have coaches now give us a coaching experience of what it’s like, you know, and I get to be coached for 10 minutes, something like that. But when they’re vulnerable about their stories, and when they really connect with people about why they’re doing what they’re doing. So those podcasts are starting to be shared, once they share them on their social. If I share the podcasts, it’s not getting much traction, we’re not getting business.

But when they turn around and put that video, link on their website, in which they come in, and they get a website page without so when they put the video link up on their website page, as well as when they share it on socials. It’s converting to clients. And that’s working. What’s not working is like we’ve been doing content for six months to get to this point, like if I thought that socials and social posts and creating content on social was going to convert to clients. Somebody can somebody let the secret out of the bag?

Jennifer Tamborski 

So here’s the thing it does. And it takes a lot of math, and a lot of work to get to that point. So you have to be willing to I mean, I’ve I’ve seen clients that have created, you know, half a million to a million dollar businesses just on that social media kind of thing. But they are on social media 24 hours a day. Like they’re in your DMS they’re posting, they’re creating new content every day, they’re posting two to three times a day. And so if that is not like your within your bandwidth to do


Jaime White


Jennifer Tamborski

Yes.. then it’s not for a lot of people, especially those coaches that are there in what I my business coach calls an entrepreneur witness protection program, right? Like,

Jaime White

Oh, I gotta hear about this.

Jennifer Tamborski

Well, they’re, they’re just, they’re not willing to put themselves out there, right?

Jaime White

That’s not gonna work.

Jennifer Tamborski

There. They’re just a little, they’re scared. They’re afraid of people, you know, saying whatever, like that whole fear of, of, of your friends and family, not supporting you, whatever that might be. But they they end up hiding. They don’t tell people to have a business. It’s not going to be sustainable.

There’s no way to get clients that way. You know, even networking, which I know you and I met through networking group is fabulous, and we love it. And it’s not a sustainable way to scale. It’s a great way to get started, but it’s not a sustainable way to scale because

Jaime White

100% agree I’ve been I’ve been networking like crazy. And having, you know, follow up conversations and I’ve met lots of amazing people and I have business besties and I have more people that are in my corner. I have power partners, but I do not have converted clients. Yeah, very many. Let’s just say it that way. Like it’s a slow go.

Jennifer Tamborski

Yeah, yeah. So and And that’s the thing, because then we’re relying on other people to send us referrals when they think about us. Yeah, right, which, depending on how many people they network, we may be two, three or four on their list of people to think about.

Jaime White 

What I found is that I am a power partner for people like I send. If I think of somebody and I connect to people, I send out three emails after every person that I’ve connected with. And I’m like, connecting them to two or three more people. But not, but people aren’t turning around and doing that, for me for the number of connections that I’ve had, you would think I have, you know, an inbox full of referrals. I think I’ve had three rights for the year. You know, every time they meet someone,

Jennifer Tamborski 

I think, I mean, there’s a way to work that like, things like referral fees and things like you know, paying people because then you’re more likely, if they’re gonna get paid, they’re more likely to think about, yeah, barring you. On the other side of that, it’s just again, it’s not a sustainable model. And whether or not those people are actually getting front of your target audience is a whole different story, right.

Jaime White 

So no, that’s a huge part of it. Because I’ve been in a lot of the quote unquote, wrong rooms, you could say, because of the business that we’re building, I can go in multiple rooms and have it benefit belief crew overall, right? You know, whether or not it’s the biggest benefit, but in some ways, I’ve been in the wrong rooms for the last year. And I just want to point that out as another thing that I’ve not necessarily done wrong, but aware that it can happen, I can be busy in multiple networking events, and if they’re the wrong client, for me, or the wrong client, for Belief Crew, I’m in the wrong room. Yeah, I’m wasting more

Jennifer Tamborski 

if they’re even if they’re not, don’t the room doesn’t have your clients and if they don’t have the power partners, because that’s I find the other thing that people struggle with is when you map out your power partner who you think is your power partner may not actually be the people referring to you, right? And I had this I actually had this conversation not too long ago when we’re talking about power partners, because I started thinking about it. And I was like, who I think should be my power partner? Aren’t the people that are actually referring to?

Jaime White 

That’s really interesting.

Jennifer Tamborski 

So then you have to start digging into who are the people that are actually referring to you and then start dialing in that. And I found funny enough, I found that not necessarily, even though they’re referring to me and referring quality people to me, I wouldn’t necessarily consider them a power partner. They just, like this person happened to be a power partner, but her job title, whatever that might be, wouldn’t necessarily always be in front of my my audience. So it’s not even necessarily like, hey, x, y, z, always in that industry refers to me.

Jaime White 

What I’m finding is that how do I say this? I know not sure. Everyone sees themselves as a power partner. I’m not sure if the concept is new. But somehow, we either go into rooms looking for ourselves so much, or I’m not sure exactly what it is about it. But there has definitely been an awareness that even if I see myself as a power partner, and I’m connecting, I’m a unique connector. And I know that and I’m good with that. Yeah, not everyone is called to have that same role. They’re not called to be the referral partner. They’re called to be a business bestie that I put pajamas on and I call an event, you know, they are not going to send me clients just heads up.

Jennifer Tamborski 

Yeah. And they might and it may not even be like, it’s not something that’s purposeful. I will say that I’m one of the worst referral partners, not because I don’t refer people I do. Yes. Confession time, like I do refer people. And could I be much more consistent about that? Yeah. Like that whole follow up of okay, like, you know, I’m sending out these 19,000 referrals in my life, right, that’s somebody else’s business tends to fall down.

That’s where the lead generation consistency falls off, right? When we’re when we’re relying on other people to send us people now. One of the things that works really well though, is using other people’s audiences.

So things like affiliate marketing where your person has the same audience you do, you guys don’t it’s the idea concept around a power partner. But this person has developed their audience like they’ve developed an email list, they’ve spent years and years and they’re willing to share it with you for whether it’s a cut of your commission or just because you’re a referral partner and they they want to in order to do that, you need to be able to provide something really juicy To them, like just really valuable to their audience, before someone’s going to be willing to step in and say, hey, you know, Jamie’s got this training? If you don’t, you have to be able to provide something that’s going to really connect with them.

So, who is your ideal client?

Jaime White 

So what’s interesting is all of our coaches have a slightly different ideal client, right? Because some of them are. So Believe Crew’s ideal client, in a way is people looking to become coaches, you know, wanting to be a part of Belief Crew, because we do a mix of experience based coaches, and faith based healers. So we’ve kind of this interesting mix.

So that’s our ideal client, but they tend to start coming towards us, when they start when you know, when we’re out there enough with other coaches. It’s like, oh, wait, I want to be a part of that instead of doing my own thing, right. So I really don’t have to advertise that too much. It’s more for the coaches themselves, and getting them in a place.

How do they get clients consistently coming in that, that maybe Belief Crew attracting, but is it more that they have to attract their own client? I mean, there’s kind of this interesting mix here, because some of the coaches are more healer based, like they’re dealing with trauma, we have a trauma base coach, we have a love and money coach, you know, so then how do I bring people towards belief crew? Without saying, we have an all in one solution? You know, I have leadership coaches, I have,

Jennifer Tamborski 

honestly, you see, you have a couple of us, you need multiple funnels, or a really freaking good quiz, one or the other, right? Like a quiz that can really delineate where they should go within the funnel, even with a quiz, you’re going to want a backup funnel to go with it. Right? Like, if their spiritual, like they their spiritual nature, then you’re going to want some kind of training or some kind of download or something to go along with that.

But that quiz can like, it’s do you have you ever heard of the Ask method? Ryan Levesque. Okay, so tell me tell me more. So Ryan Levesque, create it. I don’t know that he necessarily created but he’s the guru behind the Ask method. The Ask method is really all about quizzes, it’s bringing them on asking them a question, and then delineating by their answer where they need to go in your pipeline. And then at the end of that pipeline, they get some kind of answer to the quiz, or they get like another training or a VSL, or something along those lines that will really warm them up to the next step in the funnel. So that’s one aspect. The problem with your business and that specific, is that again, what’s the question? Right?

Jaime White 

Yeah, it’s been a real struggle. Yeah, it’s

Jennifer Tamborski 

there’s so many, like, Are you missing fulfillment in your life, I will tell you everybody is missing fulfillment in your life in their life. And if you ask that question, it’s just not grounded enough to get people to

Jaime White 

write. Right? So sure. What does that mean? Yeah,

Jennifer Tamborski 

exactly. Exactly. So we, with the quiz, it can be, we just have to dial in a really, really good question that will cross the lines, right? Whether that’s business or life, or whatever. The other opportunity is just to create multiple funnels for each of those people. Because you need to be able to meet people where they’re at, right where you want to go, right.

Jaime White 

So you use the word funnel, and maybe all of your listeners know what this means. But can you explain to me what it means to you?

Jennifer Tamborski 

Yes. So a funnel is just a customer journey, right? It’s taking people I like to correlate marketing to dating, right? So we take them through the different stages of dating in my world, there’s five stages of dating, there’s the introduction phase, the flirting phase, the dating phase, commitment phase, and then keeping the romance alive. Alright,

Jaime White

love this. I’m not heard this version. If you have a visual, I’ll take it. I do I do.

I have visuals for this. So it’s really just about taking them through a warm up journey so that they get to the point where commitments were they by keeping the romance alive is where you keep marketing to them. Because I will tell you this, my friend, just because they bought from you doesn’t mean you content, don’t continue to market for them, especially with your company. Because this coach when they’re done with this coach, they may want to move on to this coach kind of right, right. Um, so a funnel in the simplest terms, is we start with the introduction.

So in the introduction phase, where where I start my clients is really designing out who your ideal client is, what you want them to be doing, like really deep diving into that piece of it. For me, that’s the introduction because you need to know who you’re introducing yourself to first, before you step into the next phases.

The flirting phase is really all about content development, which in because we focus on funnels and ads primarily in my company, we use ads to lift that content and get it out into so visibility ads, get it out into the general population, so that your people aren’t creating 900,000 content pieces a day.

Jaime White 

Right, right. Right, right. So so let’s go back to the ads that you create. Where are you primarily showcasing those ads? Or what types of ads are you referring to?

Jennifer Tamborski 

So for us in our business, we use Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, those are the three plat three slash four, because Facebook owns Instagram. Those are the platforms that we work in. And it depends on where our client needs to be. Right, some, some are, their ideal clients are going to be on Facebook, others are going to be YouTube, it’s psychographics, demographics, all of that kind of stuff will determine that,

Jaime White 

right? So this is beautiful visual for me. I mean, because ultimately, we’re creating a lot of content right now. Because I’m podcasting. We’re turning those into different clips. And it’s not, it’s not converting. And ultimately, it’s putting out content that we want out there. And I and I love podcasting. So I’m not going to give up, you know, a form of what we’re doing. But at the same time, if I think about what are the other people doing on Facebook that I’m sure is working, is they’re sponsoring ads. And it’s the same thing that I’m seeing over and over, because then I recognize it again. And I’m like, oh, there it is. Versus if I see different content all the time. There’s no connection that this is the same,

Jennifer Tamborski 

exactly, it’s just follow through line of that. It’s also the point behind that as also, there used to be this theory that it took seven to 12 touches for a sale. In this day and age, it’s hundreds. And ads can get you in front of just just because of the amount the volume, right, those seven to 12 touches, you know, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, we’re by phone or in person or on the TV, right? Whatever the amount of information people consume through social media, you have to get in front of them over and over and over again. And that’s where ads help. Like you said, if you’re seeing that same piece of content the first time you went, Okay, that’s interesting. It’s cool. Yeah, the second time you’re like, maybe, yeah, watch more of this.

And then you’re in that’s, that’s kind of that’s where the visibility ads come in. Secondary to that when you’re running ads, it’s your lead generation. And this is all going to depend on what your purpose is, whether it’s a download or a webinar or a quiz, or there’s a million different kinds. And the third layer of ads are retargeting ads, those are designed to bring people into a sales call or buy your course or whatever that piece might be. So those are the the ads.

The flirting phases where we do those content. The reason that the introduction phase is so important, is because we want that content to meet the people where they’re at where your ideal client is at. I was talking to a client last week about their strategy. And they have they’ve had really great success, but they have two avatars, one of the avatars is who they really want to get in front of. But some of the content they were creating was a little was directed towards that second av-, that first Avatar that maybe didn’t have the funds to buy from them. And so when we started talking about the content, we had to dial in that like, what is the second avatar, the one that we know has money, right? And is struggling and needs you? Right? Like what are what are they struggling with? What are their pain points. So that’s what the introduction phase really dials in learning phases, getting your content out there.

The dating phase is about your lead generation, this is where you’re offering them something of value, whether that’s a training for a download an ebook, a quiz, something that they need or want, enough to give you their email address. And then in that is an email sequence, nurture sequence, being able to stay in front of your, your target audience, and getting them to take that next step, which is commitment. And that’s buying from you, whatever that means in your world.

And then for us, I always encourage my clients to have a fifth stage which is keeping the romance alive that’s really staying in front of those people that already know like and trust you. Right, you may have a scalable offer where you can give them the next level. You may just have something where they are bringing in people to you right where they’re They become your referral partners. So I mean, that’s, that’s really when we talk about a funnel. That’s what what we’re really designing as a customer journey.

Jaime White 

There’s a couple of things that have really stood out to me and what you’ve said in the keeping the romance alive. One, it’s probably, you know, just the wording of it alone is good. But I do believe that, especially for Belief Crew, and many companies that have that hire, and one of the companies that I used to run was a high end furniture and design store. And the owner was actually my dad, I was always involved in family business prior to this one. And he would, I think it’s so frustrated that I was constantly retargeting the same person. Yeah. And I, I knew that our best customers became better customers.

They brought their friends then they bought when they did the next room. And sometimes it took a couple of years, but they were always our best customers. I mean, I

Jennifer Tamborski 

and that’s the thing, once someone starts buying from you to begin with, they continue buying, it’s why and this, I wouldn’t suggest doing this necessarily at the phase you’re at, right, that’s where a tripwire can come in. It’s that little piece of, hey, buy this, that you’re not ready to buy our big thing, buy this small thing, $40 $60 $20, whatever. But that little tripwire creates a buyer, once they’ve bought from you, if whatever you gave them is valuable enough, they’ll step into the next purchase.

Jaime White 

So I’m going to kind of break this down a little bit in different ways in my brain. And one is that I know that I’m building a bigger company than just me, right? Like, I know this from the beginning. And yet every piece of marketing along the way, and like creating the sales funnel, I mean, I’ve stared at a whiteboard and said, Okay, we need a sales funnel. But I don’t really understand what I’m talking about our marketing funnel, right? It’s like the words are all there. But my brain hasn’t really connected all of them especially specific to my industry.

So I love that you can say all these words, and they roll off your tongue, you know?

Because I get concepts, but I don’t actually know where to put the put the words in to the, to the paragraph. Yeah, to even pretend. Because you’ve talked about things like a tripwire or retargeting or downloads and ads, and, and all of those things are something that I know maybe eventually at some point, but how do I how do you first of all, if you were to work ideal ideal here.

Yeah. If you were to say, You know what I know, we can create an amazing seven figure business, you know, multiple, six, figure seven figure business for you. Let’s start with having a budget of XYZ. Or let’s start with you, what are some of the starter points of awareness that you would love for people like me to be aware of,

Jennifer Tamborski 

so we start with what I call a marketing intensive. And this is where I help you create that marketing plan, right? Have all of the pieces that you need to have and create the funnel and the value later, all that kind of stuff?

Jaime White 

And you’re just like all this stuff? Yeah. Just just double check that.

Jennifer Tamborski 

Okay, yes. So that’s where we generally start with our clients. That being said, for budgets, when we talk about budget for your marketing, you’re wanting to spend 10 to 30% of your overall expected budget, on your marketing. Now, I say that, and I talked to someone about a year ago, and when I said that she’s like, I have a million dollar business, you’re telling me I have to spend, you know, $100,000? In ADS? I said, No, I said on your marketing, which is a whole layered effect, right? Branding, photos, video, yeah, networking, all of those things are part of your marketing. Now I do suggest you have an ad budget.

And that’s the budget is going to be determined to be determined by what you want to accomplish within that, and also who your target market is. Sometimes if it’s a more competitive market, your cost per lead is higher. Like it just is like if you’re, if you’re we’ll just use big names because people know who they are. If you’re directly competing against Tony Robbins, he’s got more budget than you do, you’re gonna have to spend more money in order to get his people into your funnel. Right?

And so those are the kind of things that that we can configure out but ad budget is just dependent on what we want and what we think your cost per lead will be. On average. Again, this is very variable depending on what type of lead magnet you have.

Jaime White 

I still appreciate hearing the numbers because it gives my brain something to work on. Yeah, otherwise, I have nothing tangible. You know, like if I was building I talked about this use this example if I was building a burger business, and you know I would talk to my vendors. And I would say, Hey, can you send me some samples of what the wrappers could look like, you know, they give me some wrapper samples and be like, No, I don’t really like the quality of this one, you know, you wrap a hamburger in and it just gets messy right away, whatever. But in these, the worlds that we’re in, where there’s a lot of service based industry service based stuff, I don’t have tangible things that I can talk about or look at. So if you can even give me numbers or anything that helps my brain heal, if we put the background there,

Jennifer Tamborski

it’s totally fine. So if we think about, like, your marketing budget, if we go to 10 to 30% of your budget, if you are, we’re gonna use easy numbers, because math, thank you. So if you have $100,000 A year, you’re gonna use about $10,000 of that budget, on your marketing that can be broken down in a multitude of ways. So $10,000 or 10,000? Sorry, $100,000. A year is about eight grand a month. Yes. Right. Right. So you’re talking about $800, a month ish, in marketing, right? Right. That can also be used, like maybe you sell really well in the first quarter. So you’re doing a whole lot of marketing in the fourth quarter of the year prior, so that you can hit those sales goals in the first quarter. So you use most of your marketing budget in one quarter or another. So you can like, load front load what you need

Jaime White 

based on the cycle of the business.

Jennifer Tamborski 

Yeah, so I know, in my business, I know, I don’t do a lot of selling July and August, like there’s just not a lot of clients coming in the door in July and August, most people are out doing their summer stuff, whatever that is. So I do a lot of marketing in July and August. So I can sell September, October, November. So I kind of front loading that. I also know I don’t sell a ton in December, again, holidays, people drop off the planet. But January is huge time.

Jaime White

Yeah, go time.

Jennifer Tamborski

So it’s really learning what your sales cycles are, where you need to focus that budget. Now, here’s the thing about marketing that a lot of people don’t realize, it takes on average about three months before whatever marketing effort you did, actually comes to fruition.

Jaime White

Can you say that again? For me?

Jennifer Tamborski

Yep, it takes about three months, about 90 days for whatever marketing activity you did to actually produce results.

Jaime White 

So I want to think about that from my own perspective. And, and I started my podcast September 1. And in early October, I recorded with someone that her podcast ended up getting 500 views on YouTube. So that’s one of our top ones compared to you know, like our normal was 15 to 20. Right. And we got a client from that in November, December. So September, October. Yeah, I want to say it was really cool. I mean, your numbers are really close.

Jennifer Tamborski 

Yeah. And they’re gonna vary from person to person. But that’s an average, especially as you’re getting started. So one of the things I know that a lot of business owners think is that I’m going to throw up an ad, and I’m going to immediately make a million dollars.

Jaime White 

Yeah, yeah, it’s painful when you think that and it doesn’t happen.

Jennifer Tamborski 

90% of the time, it doesn’t happen. 10 years ago, it happened. Right? Right. Those big gurus that you see that made all of those money, all of that money 10-15 years ago. That’s how they did it. But that process doesn’t necessarily equal out. I’m not saying that it doesn’t at all, because depending on your niche, and your audience, and all of that kind of stuff. We had a client recently that we launched her her last launch in January, she created $40,000 is first time she ever run ads, like it was Yeah.

Jaime White

So you’re just like, hallelujah.

Jennifer Tamborski

Right? Exactly. Exactly. It is it’s totally an anomaly. For them. That’s that’s an anomaly. That’s not an everyday thing. And that’s the thing that the gurus out there don’t necessarily tell you, right, they tell you be anomalies, of Write, write a million dollars,

Jaime White 

I was so thinking about this the other day, because you know, you see those social ads, maybe I’m the only one seeing them, where they’re like, I had a five figure launch or a 10k launch or whatever. And I was like, Oh my word. They could have gone for 18 months with nothing and stacked stacked and stacked it to have a one day event. Yeah. And then they use that one day to create promos for you know how they should be the person that you should follow

Jennifer Tamborski 

90% of the time, that is exactly what happened. All awful. All of those those gurus out there that say I have 5-6-7 figure launches, I’m not discounting that they do. They absolutely do and they’re not lying. However, they’ve been in the industry for five or 10 years running launches, if you look at their first or second launch, I can guarantee you, it was six years, they were probably lucky to break even.

Jaime White 

So important part in that, too, is just even for business owners, for all of us to be aware that I, for myself a reminder, I can only start where I am. And I know those words are so cliche, and I hear them and I know them. But looking at where I am, sometimes we held space, we have a community for belief crew, coaches and clients and people interested in being part of the conversations. And we held space for over six months for people to join us in those conversations. Yeah, I mean, and when someone did, it was, that was like, yay.

Jennifer Tamborski 

So the biggest thing that you you can really do to to get sales and to get revenue, because that’s what we’re all really looking for, is get really intentional about how you’re bringing people into your funnel, your customer journey, that front piece, that front thing that they are downloading learning doing has to be it has to set them up to be ready to step into a buying thing.

And I think that’s one of the that’s another piece that a lot of business owners mistake is when they’re putting out their lead magnet, it’s oftentimes maybe three or four steps away from what it is they’re actually selling, right? So I always like to use the the analogy of a sales coach, right? If you’re selling them sales, right, they need to make more money, that kind of thing. offering them a mindset shift lead magnet isn’t going to do it.

Because that’s not what they’re worried about, right?

The people you get in that mindset may need like five or six walking steps to get to the sales, what they’re worried about is I can’t sell. So it is much better to give them like their problem, their micro problem, you’re only trying to fix a small thing. So maybe it’s the, you know, five closes, that will close a sale in 10 minutes, right? Those kinds of things or a training of how to close your next deal in 30 seconds or whatever, that that is

Jaime White

something that’s closer to where they’re actually selling

a direct line to what you’re selling. If you have to walk them through this whole menagerie of a roller coaster, you’re going to lose more people along the way. I’m not going to say you’re never going to make sales because you will but you’re going to lose more people along the way. So it has to be a very direct line.

Jaime White 

So I’ll be vulnerable. We didn’t have we’re working on it currently. So I could still say we don’t have at the time of this recording or podcast here is a book a call like a Find Out More button on our website. Yeah, like a very simple like, every coach has a discovery call book a call. But what we realized that a piece that might be missing is what if people don’t know who they want to work with? Yes. And so very simply, you know, what I’m hearing you say is like that direct line. And I just remember one of our team members, Rachel, she’s beautiful. And she’s just like, I feel like this is a piece we’ve been missing.

Jennifer Tamborski 

Definitely we complicate things all the time as, like we’re thinking 50,000 steps ahead. And realistically, we need it to be simple. We need there if it is too complicated. Again, another previous client conversation, they launched a a training couple of months ago, in their process, they had to fill out this long form to decide whether or not they were eligible for the training.

While I get their perspective, right, I really wanted to have high quality people in the training so that we could sell them, right. The opposite side of that is they lost a lot of people that didn’t fill out the application. They don’t even know how many people they lost that didn’t fill out the application because they got to the application. And after two questions, they were like, I’m out.

Jaime White 

If it’s too many questions, I’m out. I just I don’t have the capacity for that. Yeah.

Jennifer Tamborski 

So so we need to make it simple. And yet, our targeting also our message, our targeting our creatives, all of those things need to be really laser focused into who it is we want to work with bringing it back to your your collective means you need multiple ways for them to step in.

Jaime White 

Right. Right. Because I think we’re creating I think the piece that we’re missing more is like you said that the more obvious the more direct you know, I think we’ve kind of gotten big picture and you know, created lots of Different ways for them to find us or, you know, hear about us or, but not necessarily a very clear way for them to get in contact with us. And, and the ads piece. To be honest, I had great success with social ads in the past with different businesses that I was involved in. And yet, I didn’t know where to start anymore. You know, there’s just so many pieces to social that change so quickly. You know, it used to be really easy to do Google ads, or Facebook ads or something.

Jennifer Tamborski 

There is nothing easy about ads anymore.

Jaime White 

I’m like,and so there was just that overwhelmed shutdown of like, I mean, oh, it was beautiful. One business that we had, I tried for three months to do. The marketing that seemed like it would be good marketing. It was an antique mall that we were launching. And I did outreach, to reach out to customers to see if they would be interested in coming in. Not really any interest.

And I put an ad in an antique magazine, because I thought, Well, hey, it’s an antique mall magazine. And, you know, like vendors, this makes total sense. Nothing crickets for three months. And then we went on Facebook and did a leads ad on Facebook. I had 55 leads in one week, I had to shut it down. It was $10 to run the ads at that time. No, I’m not dating myself. That’s just literally how fast technology changes.

Yes, I did do radio ads in the day. And I did do newspaper ads. And I actually had an ad in the phonebook. So I can date myself.

But this was just technology, you know, like, and so it was so beautiful. And I know that that’s possible. Again, for us at Believe Crew. Yeah. And yet, I’m like, Oh, my word how were with socials and ads the way that they are. So, you know, obviously, we’ll be having more conversations. For anyone out there? Is it even possible to do it yourself anymore?

Jennifer Tamborski 

It is possible. So I created a solution to this problem in my business, right? So we created a program where we bring people on and we do we do it for them. We do all right, all of that stuff. And then I have a training program where they learn how to take over from where I left off. I did that because of that there are courses out there that you can take. And getting started is the hardest part.

Because people are scared. Like it’s the idea of like, do I have what do I do all of that kind of stuff, right? So if I get everything started for them, get it all, you know, broken down created, and then they take that they have the ads course where they can learn how to do it, do what I did, and take over from there. Right? It kind of negates that fear, because that’s the biggest problem. It’s possible to DIY it is possible. And how much time and energy and effort do you want to do? Spend doing that is the question.

Jaime White 

It’s crazy. And I’m really glad that you point out that that is you know how you’ve approached this and that so then I’ll tell you the second fear. The second fear that comes up is okay, what is the one piece of content that is working? You know, like, back in the day, I used to be able to take a picture or a photo, because it was a very product based business.

Jennifer Tamborski  

And video content is going to work better than pictures and photos. 99%

Jaime White

You said video content?

Jennifer Tamborski

Yeah, video content, whether that’s your podcast, you have a podcast on YouTube, and you have a right to minute clip that we use. And that’s an ad that becomes an ad, that video becomes an ad, the video becomes a visibility ad. And then if you have a lead generation, whatever that is, that becomes a separate campaign.

Jaime White 

So you think about it, though. I mean, I just want to walk through the steps of just creating that two minute video because creating content that is relevant to you know, whatever, again, make it direct, like you’re saying, Am I supposed to just talk because in a podcast, I can have a conversation. It’s so much easier than creating video like I

Jennifer Tamborski 

can be both. They can be both like, honestly, it all depends on what your your end goal is like, if you’re having a conversation with somebody, and there’s a section that you’re like, This is really great conversation.

Jaime White 

I have to be able to say this about myself. Right, right.

Jennifer Tamborski 

Or you have I had somebody else go through my podcast and clip back better as that’s what we were like is this 10 seconds this 40 seconds. I was like, That’s so much better than me for myself. Yeah. But yeah, if you like there’s two minutes or less is what we’re looking for. You can go up to five, but it becomes harder for people like they drop off at about two minutes. So two minutes or less piece of content. And it can be a conversation. It all depends on what the goal is.

So for you if we’re going to do a piece of your podcast, that’s a conversation between you and your Culture, whatever, we would use that to drive traffic to either your business page or to your podcast growth, or your YouTube channel or something like that.

So those are the those are the options of what we would do with it.

If you’re asking them to do something like if there’s a call to action, at the end of sign up for this webinar, or download this thing, then it needs to be you talking, like you just you get to go, you know, my avatar, you know, whatever their avatar, you know, coaches, are you struggling with five things, whatever, my webinars going to show you exactly how to clear that up, kind of, that’s the layout of it.

So it’s just, it’s the quick hook, it’s calling out your avatar, and then inviting them to do whatever it is you want, whatever that solution is, which is generally your leading with

Jaime White 

all of the different platforms that you’re advertising on right now. Which ones are your favorite and why?

Jennifer Tamborski 

So Facebook, targeting is better than any other platform. I always say they can target you down your shoe size,

Jaime White 

I used to love Facebook, but then I again, I just got overwhelmed, right?

Jennifer Tamborski 

There are 5 billion users on Facebook. So you’re like very few people are not on Facebook. Now. If you’re trying to target seven figure business owners, they’re likely not hanging out on Facebook, right? They don’t have the time, that’s not their platform.

However, YouTube ads will hit them because they may be scrolling through scrolling through Google for something. If your YouTube channel is targeted properly, or you know targeted to them. That ad pops up like YouTube’s one of the first things if they’re searching for, I don’t know, “Coaching” just in general, if they just put YouTube’s gonna be the first thing that pops up when they search for marketing or ads like that’s that’s the way with YouTube right now.

Jaime White 

Can you can you do demographics?

Jennifer Tamborski 

You can you can do demographics. You can even place ads into other people like if you know your ideal client follows will again use Tony Robbins just because he’s you know, right, you can place your ad into Tony Robbins videos. Why which is that’s that’s the power of YouTube.

LinkedIn is fantastic. If you have an email list to feed it to their targeting is still in the works. It’s only I want to say like five years old, they’ve been running ads for like five years. So they’re still growing in that area. They’ve just like, I just logged in there the other day, I was like, Oh, look at all the new things they’ve added.

Jaime White 

Yeah, yeah, they really have been Yeah, so. But it’s really great.

Jennifer Tamborski 

If you have an email list that you can create a look alike audience and target or if you can pull one from the LinkedIn navigator kind of thing. And you can feed that and feed it to him. So it all just depends. Those three platforms are the ones that I focus on. And I’m going to direct my clients depending on where their ideal client lives.

Jaime White 

I have a little guy that just wants we’re doing live in business together.

Jennifer Tamborski 

That’s right. That is where that is where we live. Okay, so we have been talking for a while. And I want to know, are there any other questions that you have? Or that might

Jaime White 

You have been amazingly helpful!

Jennifer Tamborski 

Okay, awesome. I’m going to wrap this up. I really appreciate you being vulnerable to the audience, because I know everybody is in this perspective in this, and they don’t even know what questions to ask. So you’ve asked a lot of questions that I’m sure my audience will appreciate.

For those of you out there that are looking for a strategy and you’re struggling, and you have the same type of questions, head over to yourmarketingmatchmaker.com and sign up for a call on the on this podcast. I would be so thrilled to dive into your marketing. Thank you for joining me today. And if you are looking to grow your business, increase your revenue, and scale your impact and you’re struggling. This is the place to start.

OUTRO: Thank you for listening to the marketing matchmaker podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your feedback. Please head over to Apple iTunes and leave a review so we can hear from you. And if you are a coach, consultant or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income and scale your impact. Connect with me at your marketing matchmaker.com I look forward to hearing from you.

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