Episode 103 – How To Choose The Right Type Of Marketing For Your Business
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Show Notes
The world of marketing is an ever-changing landscape, and it can be challenging to traverse without proper knowledge and guidance. Trying to figure out the puzzle of marketing is like trying to solve a million-piece jigsaw blindfolded! Good thing this episode is here to give you a helping hand and let you in on the tricks of this tricky game. By learning about the different types of marketing, from online ads to influencer marketing, understanding when each tactic works best, and then creatively envisioning what will work best for your specific business, you will be able to create a plan that brings success in no time!
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Are you a coach, consultant, or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income, and scale your impact? Connect with me at YourMarketingMatchmaker.com I look forward to hearing from you.
Jennifer Tamborski:
Hey there. Welcome back to Marketing Matchmaker, if you have followed me for any length of time, I know that you probably know I love talking about marketing, and business and all things surrounding marketing.
However, for a lot of people, marketing is almost a loaded word. For some business owners, the very thought of marketing their business can send them into this tailspin of overwhelm, and self doubt. And believe me, I get it. For me, it’s kind of like doing my financials in my business, you don’t necessarily know what to where to start, or what you’re looking at, or why you need to do that, or when you need to do it.
And with so many different types of marketing out there, there’s some times Well, it’s kind of hard know, to know what’s best for you and your business. So today’s episode is for you, if you are currently struggling with what should I do to market my business.
I love to correlate marketing to the dating game, I’ve done it in past episodes, I have whole blog series and emails and content all surrounding dating your ideal client, that’s really what we’re trying to do when it comes to marketing is build a relationship. So when we look at it from the perspective of dating, we can easier understand what it is that we should do.
However, today is not about dating your ideal client. Today, it’s about where you should even look for your ideal client, and how you should even attract them. Now, like dating, marketing sometimes takes you trying different things before you figure out what’s works for you and your business. Just like dating, sometimes you’re not going to find that perfect match. On the first go around.
Sometimes it takes trying different things. And sometimes it really just takes knowing what type of marketing you need in your business right now, to be able to reach that ideal client and really start to develop that relationship that you’re looking for.
Today, we’re going to talk about eight different types of marketing, what they are, why you want to use them in your business. And if it’s even really right for your business, what type of business really needs this type of marketing. So we’re gonna start with content marketing.
Content marketing is all about creating valuable content that targets your audience and things that they’ll either enjoy reading, or viewing and things that they’ll learn about from you. It can be anything from blog posts, to articles, to podcasts, to YouTube videos, the key with content marketing, is to make sure that your content is valuable to your ideal client, it has to connect with them.
And it has to be something that they want to know about.
If you’re not sure where to start with content marketing, it’s probably best to ask your audience what it is they’re struggling with, what questions do they have? Where is it that they’re looking? What is it they’re looking to learn about what it is you teach or sell?
Now, when should you use this in your marketing?
Honestly, this should be one of the first things you use to market your business. Getting yourself out there by providing valuable content to your audience really starts to establish you as the expert in your field, which then attracts more people to you who are looking for what it is that you teach, or sell or that you create.
This type of marketing will help you to start creating that know like and trust that we’re all looking for what type of business should use it everyone, every business out there uses some type of content marketing at this point in time. Everything from you know from Bic to Walmart has some type of content marketing out there, whether it’s information about their product or service or solution, or it’s, you know, your favorite influencer online that produces content on a regular basis.
No matter what type of business you’re in content marketing is going to help you grow. Your business is going to help to establish you as an expert, and it’s going to help you to attract your ideal clients to your business.
The next type of content or the next type of marketing that we’re going to talk about is SEO marketing, search engine optimization marketing. So this type of marketing is all about optimizing your website and your content so that it ranks in a search engine.
The higher your website ranks in the search engine, the more likely people are going to be to find you when they search for terms related to what you sell. When you’re thinking about your search engine marketing we, in my world, we ask our clients, if their clients are actually searching for them. Oftentimes, the answer is no.
That being said, if you sell if you’re a plumber, or you’re an electrician, and people are searching for you, absolutely, you want to use SEO in your marketing content. If you’re not something that somebody will go online, and type in to find you, SEO Marketing may not be where you want to put all of your dollars, because it really does depend on people searching for you.
I like to correlate SEO marketing to the Yellow Pages, right? If you were something that someone would open the Yellow Pages and flip through to find, you want to use SEO Marketing, if you are not something that someone would open the Yellow Pages and flip through to find, you’re probably not going to want to invest all of your money in SEO Marketing.
I’m not saying don’t do it at all, because it is a valuable part of your marketing. However, I do think it can be bumped down that ladder of what I need to focus on right now and where I need to put my marketing dollars. Honestly, if you’re in the coaching, consulting, course creation world. If you’re in a service based world that maybe someone doesn’t necessarily search for on a regular basis, SEO Marketing is not going to help do you really want to focus more on interruption marketing.
So just to clarify, SEO Marketing, kinda like the Yellow Pages.
Interruption marketing, kinda like sitting on the couch watching TV and a McDonald’s commercial pops up, you are putting your information in front of somebody that didn’t know that you were an option that didn’t know you existed. And they didn’t know that.
Maybe they have that problem. So there’s a couple of different types of of interruption marketing that I want to dive into next. So we have things like social media marketing.
This is where you’re going to use a lot of that content marketing, right, you take that content and you put it on the different social media platforms, you may be creating short reels or short video content. Social media marketing is really about putting your brand on a social media platform so that you can build a relationship with your potential customers.
The key to social media marketing is to be incredibly active and engaged on the platform you choose. without coming across as pushy and salesy. You really want to make sure that when you’re doing social media marketing, that you are engaging with your audience that you are providing them with content that is actually going to get them to take the next step into your circle of influence.
Social media marketing is what a lot of people think of as more organic marketing, right? It really does revolve around the algorithm of whatever social media platform you’re using, as well as different ways to optimize your presence on that social media platform. When you’re marketing with social media marketing, I want you to keep a couple of things in mind. One, pick one or two platforms beyond. Don’t try to be everything everywhere.
It’s exhausting.
And it’s going it’s not as effective as you might think, to focus on where your ideal client is actually hanging out. Is it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tik Tok, YouTube, Pinterest, 900,000, other social media platforms out there, wherever your ideal clients hang out, that’s where you want to hang out. And three, again, you’re using your content marketing; batch, your content. That is going to save you hours in the long run.
Who should be using social media content?
Almost everybody should have a presence on social media. Is this where you put all of your dollars? Maybe maybe not depends on your following and social media. One of the things you want to keep at top of mind when it comes to social media marketing is that you are relying on the algorithms of that social media platform.
If you can move your audience off of that social media platform sooner than later you are going to be better off in the long run.
Paid advertising. So that’s one of my favorites, and I will tell you why pay to advertise allows you to reach a huge audience or not necessarily that much money. But it’s an audience that you probably wouldn’t have tapped into through that organic marketing, right.
So in search engine optimization, you’re waiting for people to find you.
In paid advertising, you’re going out and finding them.
It’s another form of interruption marketing, where you get to share who you are, what you do, who you how you serve people, to people who may have never come across to you in any other way. Now, let’s be honest, with paid advertising, there is an investment involved. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be a huge one, it all just depends on what the purpose of your paid advertising is.
Paid advertising will allow you to, again, move people off of that social media platform and into your sphere of influence in when you’re using paid ads, whether those are Facebook ads, or YouTube ads, or LinkedIn ads, or Twitter or Pinterest or whatever platform you’re using. Almost every social media platform has paid ads. And I will guarantee you that they will allow you to connect with an audience that you would have never thought of to begin with.
Now, the question is who should use paid advertising, I honestly think that almost everybody should use some form of paid advertising. That being said, you have to know who your audience is, before you run a paid ads, you have to be really crystal clear on your message before you run paid ads. And you need to be taking them somewhere before you run paid ads.
Because the whole point is to get them off of social media, and into our next type of marketing, which is email marketing. Email marketing is a huge marketing platform. Still, I know there have been people over the years and decades, it says Email marketing is dead. And I’m going to tell you they’re lying.
Email marketing really involves you creating some type of either automated email sequence that will move people through a funnel, or some type of continuous nurturing emails, again, back to that content marketing, into your emails so that they are getting valuable information from you or that you’re selling them to your product, service or solution.
Let’s be honest here, most people are not going to be selling their business through just clicking on something and buying it. Now, if you’re selling a widget, you absolutely well, like E commerce can absolutely sell just by clicking on something. But if you are a high end coach, or you have a high ticket course, or anything in that realm takes a little bit more to warm people up to who you are, then just clicking on your social media posts or your ad or your website and going to buy it. The buy process is a lot lower when you’re when you’re thinking of it that way.
Your Email marketing is really designed to help create that know, like trust to build that relationship to communicate with your audience. And it’s one of the only types of marketing that you solely control. When you are doing something like launching a new product, service, or solution. And you have a timeline that you need to be on. Social media can slow that down. It’s based on their algorithms on who they show it to and how they see it and when they see it and all of those things.
Whereas email marketing, they don’t. That is based on when you send out that email, everybody gets it. So you really have more control over your communication with your audience. In Email Marketing, everybody should be using email marketing, whether you sell a widget, or a pen or a t shirt or whether you sell a high ticket course or a consulting program or coaching program.
Email marketing is going to provide you with endless possibilities of solutions on how to move your audience from cold to warm to buying from you. Our next type of marketing is instant message marketing. So I know you’ve probably seen some people out there promoting DM marketing and that’s really what instant message marketing is.
Now there’s a couple of ways to do this in ways that are in line with who you are, as a person, one of the things that instant message marketing using things like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger or, or LinkedIn messenger in order to communicate with people, one of the good things about it is that people often open those DMS and they’ll communicate with you the one thing that you want to kind of avoid, or at least I do, I don’t like doing this is called DMing people.
I know people do it all the time. And I’ve been told by many people that this is the wave of the future, and you should do it because it’s a great way to get new customers. And that might be true. However, I look at marketing in the form of relationship building, which means I look at it like I would dating.
And, quite frankly, when someone slides in to my DMs to try and get a date with me, that’s creepy. It just is, I have no desire to cold meet people that way. Again, I know there are people out there that have done that, and it’s worked great for their relationship. It’s not something I’m comfortable with. So when we talk about instant message marketing, you want to do it in a way that is authentic to you.
If cold messaging people is authentic to you, and you’re totally cool with it, I applaud you. If not, there are ways to set this up. So that it is a warm market that messages you first, and then you communicate with them in the instant messages in the DMs. And that marketing can really work, it can work very well for people, you just want to do it in a way that’s going to be congruent with who you are and who you serve.
The next type of marketing, affiliate marketing, so affiliate marketing is really, it’s a type of performance based marketing, which is related to your sphere of influence, right? It’s using other people’s audiences to create buyers. So if you and someone that you know, have a similar audience, affiliate marketing is paying somebody in order to promote your product service or solution or your webinar or whatever that thing is you sell, you will see it done a lot in the guru world, right?
A lot of the big players in the industry use each other’s audiences to promote each other. They do that it’s affiliate marketing, I mean, that’s the way they they tend to have another line of business. Also, their audience needs this other person’s product, service, or solution, they really believe that it will work for them, and they’re able to promote it for them. That’s great. So affiliate marketing can really help you grow your business, if you are able to connect with other business owners who have a similar target market, and then that are willing to promote you usually pay them a small sales commission fee, or a large sales commission fee depending on your product.
For every sale they make to one of their audience members. It is a fabulous way to really connect with new audiences and have that social proof that backing from from that person to their audience, that person says to their audience, hey, this is a great new thing that my friend is doing, you’re gonna want to buy it or sign up for it or whatever that might be.
Affiliate marketing can be great for you if you have people to tap into have another sphere of influence to tap into.
The last type of marketing that we’re going to hit today is influencer marketing. It’s more like word of mouth marketing, right? It is people in that are influential on social media touting a product service or solution that somebody else is selling.
The difference between influencer marketing and affiliate marketing is with affiliate marketing you are paying per sale meaning if you sell something to their audience, you pay that person with influencer marketing you’re generally paying for just having that influencer talk about you. So you’re paying by the post or the video or the email or in some way, shape or form and that it’s kind of like using a celebrity like all of the big name brands out there.
Nike and McDonald ones are not they all have celebrities touting their things. That’s influencer marketing. It’s just done now in a online platform way. And they may or may not be slept celebrities. I mean, quite honestly, your influencer marketing may only have an audience of you know, 100,000 people, but they’re really targeted to people who actually would be interested in your product service or solution.
So influencer marketing and affiliate marketing are both ways that you can tap into other people’s audiences, which is a great way to really grow your business.
Now, those two types of marketing are great for companies that want to tap into other people’s audiences or that want that social proof behind them of someone else promoting their product service or solution. It can be a great way for you to grow your business, it can be a great way for you to connect to other people’s audiences, which, let’s be honest, when you have that social proof, when you have that backing of somebody else, it sets you apart. It makes you special in their audience eyes, and allows you to connect with people faster, and may shorten that need for that know like and trust.
So those were eight different ways that you can market your business and the what, why and how of when you should use them.
Here’s the thing. There are million other ways. I touched on eight of them today. These are eight really popular ways for digital marketers to help you to grow your business, you are going to try different methods of marketing your business. And some of them are going to feel really good and feel really authentic. It’s going to to make you want to do it again.
And some of them are not.
And that’s okay.
Finding your marketing match is really about finding what’s going to make you be able to do it consistently. Because with marketing consistency is the key. It is the only way for you to really grow your business. If you want to grow your business, increase your revenue and scale your impact and you’re ready for some help, head over to yourmarketingmatchmaker.com and sign up for a free 30 minute marketing exploration call. We can dive into what type of marketing is going to work best for you. Because not every type of marketing works for every business owner. Marketing really is a personal process your business.
OUTRO: Thank you for listening to the marketing matchmaker podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your feedback. Please head over to Apple iTunes and leave a review so we can hear from you. And if you are a coach, consultant or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income and scale your impact. Connect with me at your marketing matchmaker.com I look forward to hearing from you.