Episode 81 – Black Friday Run Down
Show Notes
Black Friday launch; what do you need to know?
Listen in today as I discuss the keys to a successful Black Friday, and any in the future, launch. Should you create something new or discount existing offers? That and more, in todays episode.
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Hey there. Welcome back to Marketing Matchmaker. So I hope you are having a fabulous end of your summer. I know for some of my friends school has started for their kids. For others of them we still have about a week left or maybe two before school starts. And it is officially the end of summer, no matter where you are in the US.
So we are already looking forward. That's what I'm spending the month of August doing rather than focusing on what to do right now. I wanna focus on what is going, what it's going to take to finish out the year, incredibly strong for everyone. It seems kind of counterintuitive to start planning for the end of the year. But reality is, is we only have four months left of this year. And if we want to end this year really strong, there are things that we can do with our marketing in order to do just that.
So the last two episodes of August have been focused completely around the planning of your fourth quarter and this episode while different, is not different either. So today I wanted to focus on Black Friday. I know, kind of crazy to think about Black Friday already. I mean, that's the end of November, we're at the end of August. Seems like we have plenty of time. And yet we really, really not.
When you are talking about black Friday, launching a black Friday special, all of the things that I'm gonna talk about today are really applicable to any type of launch you have. So if you're gonna launch in January, you can still do the same steps and the same process and the same planning to really have an effective launch. That being said, we're going to take all of this and really focus on specifically Black Friday.
So here's the thing about Black Friday specials; I always recommend in your Black Friday launch, as well as pretty much any launch that you spend six to eight weeks before opening your doors, building leads. It is incredibly important to have spent the time really building up your lead generation before you open doors for a launch. I have seen so many people come to me and they have had ineffective launches where they did not make the revenue that they wanted to have. And really that's because they didn't spend enough time before they opened their doors, creating an audience of buyers who want that product, service, or solution.
One of my clients had did a launch right before she came to me and really did just that she did not have this effective lead generation that she was setting up in order to really create a great launch.
And while she still had sales, I'm not gonna discount. She still had sales. She didn't hit the goals she wanted to do. So the first thing we did was plan out how we were going to generate leads in order to effectively launch her next service. So when you plan out six to eight weeks ahead of time, in order to really focus on leads, that's all those six to eight weeks or four lead generation. It really does give you time to gather those leads for a profitable launch.
For Black Friday, that means you ideally start running traffic. Whether that's organic or paid, and start generating leads by the end of September at the latest. Which means that you need to start right now so that you can start running ads or organic traffic or generating leads and have plenty of time so that when you open the doors for your cart open, you will have plenty of people ready, willing, and able to buy from you.
So the things that you want to start doing right now, in August, before we even hit the 1st of September, first create your lead magnet. But not just any lead magnet, you wanna make sure that your lead magnet, whether that's a resource guide or a checklist or a webinar or whatever that might be, that's going to generate leads for you, make sure that it is the perfect lead magnet to lead into the offer that you're going to be selling.
That's one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to creating a funnel. Their lead magnet, while it may be a great resource for people, really doesn't have anything to do with what they're selling. What we need for a really, really amazing lead magnet is knowing what micro problem you can solve in that specific period of time, that will lead directly into your course, or your services, or your coaching or your product, whatever it is that you're selling. Making sure that you have that opening of the doors so they start to see you as the expert in what it is you do, will really help when it comes to really creating that audience of buyers from you.
So when it comes to creating your lead magnet, you are going to spend a good amount of time, really planning that out, plan out what is your client's core problem, right? That's what you're eventually going to sell them into. That's what your course or your services, your coaching will end up solving. Now, when you start there, you can back up into what is it that they are struggling with right now that they need clarity on, or that they need help with, that will eventually open up their mind to you fixing that core problem.
So if we look at it from the from the aspect of, let's say weight loss, people know they need to lose weight, right? I use this analogy a lot because in the US, there's a lot of people out there that need to lose weight. And when we look at it from that perspective, when we look at it from the, they know that ultimately they need to lose weight. What they may not know upfront, is that there are things in their mindset or in their diet or in their physical activity. They're actually preventing them from doing just that.
So if you're able to open up their eyes to them, seeing their problem in a different way with your lead magnet, you're better able to insert yourself into that situation so that you can then help them solve their problem, which I think, I mean, honestly, that's what most of us want to do, right? We want our product, service, or solution to solve the core problem of our audience. And in order to do that, you have to get them in the door as a lead first.
So really making sure that you have a fabulous lead magnet is step one. Step two is having those warm up emails that go with your lead magnet. So it's all of those things that they don't know that they don't know, right.
Making them aware of the different areas that they're struggling with. And those emails should also be a way for you to show that you are an expert at what you do and to connect with your audience and to really provide them valuable information. While you are warming them up with this email sequence, you're also creating a curiosity about what it is that you offer.
Which leads into step three, which is creating that pre-launch email sequence. This is really where you start priming people to look for and open your emails. When the cart opens these again are valuable information, whether they're videos or they're or their blog posts or whatever that content is that you're delivering, it's so crucial that it really leads them to your offer.
Again, that is a mistake that some people make one of the biggest mistakes that I've seen in the past with a lot of, especially in the coaching world, they do a lot of information giving. They do a lot of valuable content, which is amazing, and yet they forget to ask for the sale.
And that's exactly what this pre-launch email sequence is designed to do to lead them to the point where you can ask for the sale, where you can actually sell them your product, service, or solution.
Once you've got that lead magnet and those email sequences created and set up, when you have the funnel completely done, you're gonna start list building. And honestly, we never wanna stop list building. List building is crucial to really creating an effective, profitable marketing strategy and also a really profitable business. If you're not list building, if you're not bringing in potential clients regularly, you're never gonna hit those ultimate goals because you're always going to be in that feast or famine mode, right?
You're always going to be struggling to find leads and to find sales by continuously list building. You're able to really create an audience where when you're ready to sell something, you have people there to sell too. So at this point, we're at the 1st of September, maybe the 15th of September at the latest, you're really focusing on growing your audience you're list building, you're creating people into your list that will eventually turn into buyers.
So those are the real steps that you do before you actually launch your product. And like I said, these are things that actually cross over into any type of launch. These are just really specific, the dates anyway, timing is really specific to Black Friday.
Here's something about that's very specific to Black Friday that we want to keep in mind. And that's your offer when you are doing a black Friday launch, you wanna make sure that you are not creating an offer that cheapens your product, service, or solution. I always suggest when someone's running a black Friday sale, that they're either selling something brand new that has never been sold. So it's more of a beta launch, or they are adding bonuses to their offer that they've never added before.
These types of things will help you to create value to your business without ticking off your previous clients who maybe bought your, whatever, your mastermind or your coaching, or, or your course at full price, right?
That's what we want to avoid. We wanna avoid ticking off people who have already bought at the higher price. So rather than discounting the price, add more bonuses, add more things that make people want to buy or create a completely new product, service, or solution that you are opening and launching on Black Friday. Those kind of things, when it comes to your offer is going to make Black Friday more successful for you and continue to create a good feeling within your past clients, right? They don't feel like they've missed out on anything or, or worked or charged more than they should have been. And your new clients feel like they've really created, got a deal with these bonuses or with this new product.
One of the things we also wanna make sure of is that we are doing our market research to figure out if your offer will work. Look at your competition, see what they've offered in the past or what they're offering now. It really does help to understand if what we think is an amazing product will actually work.
Now, I am not saying, please keep in mind, you are your business owner and you are unique and your business is unique. So you should be focusing on what's going to work for you and your clients. And on the other side of that, understanding that a, you know, five hour online workshop may not have worked in the past for people that you know, which can make you understand, which can make you understand that maybe you need to split up your workshop or create a course or something else. Just alter it a little bit so that it actually works for what you're wanting to do.
Big, big tip. When it comes to Black Friday, walk a mile in your customer's shoes. Understand that Black Friday is a huge, huge sales cycle. They are getting bombarded by all of the things, right? All of the people that are selling stuff, they're also really excited to shop. Most people around Black Friday have gotten all of those feelings about shopping. So they're going to buy things. They've already decided they're going to spend money. It's just a matter of whether or not they're gonna spend money with you in order to really make sure that they are spending money with you and that you are their choice.
That's where all that pre-work comes in, right? That's where all of those email sequences and those pre-launch emails and everything, that's really going to pump them up and get them ready. And maybe it's, maybe you're growing your audience by creating a group on Facebook where you're going in and nurturing them and really getting them excited there, whatever your strategy is in order to grow your audience, keep in mind that they're getting bombarded by a ton of other people as well. So you have to make sure that yours is unique and that it is the best option for them.
Make sure that you avoid making Black Friday. Just another thing you do, right? Really put the time and effort and energy into planning it out, strategizing it and launching it. And that will make your Black Friday successful.
A perfectly targeted lead or wait list for your funnel that speaks directly to your dream clients and builds anticipation and excitement. As they count down to Black Friday with you is really going to help you create something that you've never created before. If you are looking to really create a huge Black Friday splash now is the time to get started. And if you are not sure how to get started, or you are looking for help head over to your marketing matchmaker.com and sign up for a free 30 minute marketing exploration call, where we can really dive into exactly what it is you want to create.
Thank You for listening to the Marketing Matchmaker podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your feedback. Please head over to iTunes and leave a review so we can hear from you. And if you are a coach, consultant, or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income, and scale your impact connect with me at yourmarketingmatchmaker.com. I look forward to hearing from you.