Episode 76 – Marketing Must Haves to Reach 6 Figures
Show Notes
As an entrepreneur wanting to hit the 6 figure mark, there are some things in your marketing you need to get really specific on. Join me as I discuss 3 things you want to have locked down in your marketing that will have the greatest impact on your bottom line.
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Are you a coach, consultant, or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income, and scale your impact? Connect with me at YourMarketingMatchmaker.com I look forward to hearing from you.
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Hey there. Thanks for listening and welcome to the marketing matchmaker podcast. If you're looking to grow your business, increase your revenue and scale your impact all while staying true to who you are and the people you serve. This is the show for you. I'm Jennifer Tamborski, digital marketing strategists, fractional CMO, and founder of Virtual Marketing Experts. My team and I work with six and seven figure coaches, consultants, and online entrepreneurs who are tired of playing the guru game of one size fits all marketing. They're ready to create a business and marketing strategy that actually builds relationships with their ideal clients creates massive shifts in their business and rapidly increases their revenue. As your marketing matchmaker, I'm going to help you find the perfect marketing match for you. This show will teach you how to reach your ideal client, connect with your audience, build that perfect relationship and generate more revenue. All through a process I like to call dating your ideal client. Now let's go have some fun!
Hey there, welcome back to Marketing Matchmaker. So last week we were talking about the month of July and what I have planned for the content for this month. And it's all going to be revolving around your marketing must haves last week. It was all about your goal setting because without a goal in your marketing, we don't know when we've actually been successful. Setting those marketing goals are essential. This week we're gonna dive into a few more pieces of your marketing that you really have need to have in order to make those goals that you're setting from last week's episode successful.
So one of the biggest things I think entrepreneurs, coaches, business owners struggle with is clearly defining their audience, their target audience. Here's the truth: when we, as business owners look at our business and go, you know what? My business can help everybody. And you know, everyone should really buy for me while that may be true, and your business might be able to help everybody reality is, is when you try to talk to everybody and anybody, nobody listens.
When we talk about really clearly defining your target market. It's because that is the easiest way for us to talk to someone. If you talk to someone directly and you know everything about them, you're better able to help them move in the direction you want them to go. So trying to be everything to everybody really means that you're diluting your message and not helping anyone. People wanna do business with someone who understands them. They want someone who can provide clarity and help them to achieve their goals, right? Because business isn't about you.
Business is about your clients. And let's be honest. Nobody really cares about you. And that sounds so freaking harsh, especially coming from someone who really does care about their clients and helping other people.
That being said, when people come to me, it's not because they care about me and who I am. It's about what I can do to help them grow their business. That's what they care about. And that my friends is the core of really understanding your target market. Because when you understand what it is, they care about what it is, what problem it is that they need solved. You're better able to help them do just that. So by focusing on one specific market, you can clearly identify why they want to do business with you. What is it about you? That's going to change their life?
What is it that, what problem or micro problem do they need help with more than anything else that you can provide them. That's going to really set you apart from everybody else. Do you understand where they're at right now? Because a lot of times what I see coaches doing is they may have gotten removed from the problem that they started with, right?
So if your clients right now, if you are a health coach and your clients right now are struggling to lose weight, you understand from a perspective that their ideal situation is their dream body to have to be able to wear a swimsuit, to whatever those, those end goals are going to be. However, what you want to really be able to communicate with them is where they are right now. What is it that they're struggling with right now?
For some, it may be an a meal plan. They may not know how to eat or what to eat for others. It may be their relationship with food. They may not be able to control or get control of their food. They may be emotionally eating, whatever that thing is, right? I'm not a health coach. So that thing is up to you to figure out for your ideal clients, but knowing what they're in, what problem they're in right now allows you to be able to open the doors for them, to see that you have a solution to that specific problem, which then helps you to move them through to the ultimate problem.
I say this all the time, you sell them what they want to give them what they need. Often time, people don't know what it is they need. They don't know that at the end of working with you, their whole life is going to have changed. They just know that right now, they have a problem. And until you can help them shift that they have a problem to be able to see that you can help them with that problem. You're never going to get them as clients.
Taking the time to really identify who your ideal target market is, is crucial when it comes to growing your business. So it's beyond things like age, gender, what they do for a living. All of those things are important and are really helpful to design, target audiences and to design paid traffic. Those kind of things. On the other side of that, having the messaging that's really drilled down into what it is that they're struggling with right now is going to help you beyond anything else that you can possibly imagine.
Interview your previous clients, interview your target market, who you think could potentially be clients so that you can get a better understanding of where they're at right now. So you can help them get to where they want to be.
Having your ideal target audience clearly defined really helps you to the next marketing must have, which is investing in your content. Your content is key to being able to connect with that audience. So really understanding what it is they need to hear at what stage of their relationship with you will help you to be able to move them through that process. Also being aware of which platform is going to connect with your ideal client the most, is going to help you deliver that content in a way that will connect with them. And they'll be able to hear it and they'll be able to see it, and they'll be able to react to it and connect with you and move your, the process in your customer journey in the long run.
When it comes to content, you wanna look at things like, what is your messaging? What are you delivering and how are you delivering it? Does your ideal client need, want, or desire, video, written word, or audio? Like those are the three primary ways that we connect and consume content, right? We're either listening to podcasts or, or watching videos on YouTube or social media or we're reading articles or blogs or whatever. Those are the three ways that people consume content. Understanding what your ideal clients need is going to better help you be able to deliver that content in a way that connects with them.
Now, I will also say this sometimes. And most often you should probably deliver that content in all three ways, because you may have an ideal client image where they are only watching videos, but there could be some really great people out there that connect via audio. And we know as business owners, as content developers, that we can take one piece of content and use it on multiple platforms, right?
This podcast is a specific, great way to be able to connect with my audience. And I can use that content in multiple ways. I can take the content and share it on YouTube. I can take the audio and put it on podcast platforms. And then I can take this and write a blog post about it and share it out in copy form. All three of those methods allows me to hit every way somebody consumes information.
However, if the message I'm sending, isn't clear and isn't connecting with them, that's not gonna matter how I deliver the content's not gonna matter. So really understanding your ideal audience so that you can create content that will connect to them and move them, and then providing that content on platforms that will help you to really expand your reach is the best way to dive into this. Now I will also say two more points about your content. Number one, video is your friend. And as much as a lot of people hate it, it is going to be the best way to connect with people. Realistically, they wanna see your face. They wanna see who you are. They wanna see your emotions and understand and connect with you. And the best way to do that is going to be through video.
So avoid, avoiding video, right? Jump into it, commit yourself to it. It gets easier. The more you do it, I promise.
The last piece of advice when it comes to really understanding your clients so that you can help them move is to focus on quality content over quantity content. I say this because so many people have this erroneous idea that they need to post on social media 500 times a day. And they run out of things to say reality is, is if you really sit down and create quality content for your clients, for your ideal clients, you are then able to create a system where they're connecting with that quality is always better than quantity. At least in my world it is.
I know that I am going to buy a really quality pair of jeans over 500 pairs of cheap jeans, because the fit and the look of 'em and how long they're gonna last. Like that makes sense. It's the same. When it comes to your content, if you create really quality content, you can use it through the life of your business. Whereas quantity of content may not have the same impact. And that's what we're looking for.
We're looking to impact our audience so that they are able to connect with us, which then helps you to grow your business, increase your revenue, and scale your impact, which my friends is what we are all looking to do. We all want successful businesses where we can have a hand in changing the world.
Thank You for listening to the Marketing Matchmaker podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your feedback. Please head over to iTunes and leave a review so we can hear from you. And if you are a coach, consultant, or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income, and scale your impact connect with me at yourmarketingmatchmaker.com. I look forward to hearing from you.