3 Marketing Must-Have You Need to Reach Six Figures


There are a few pieces of marketing that are necessary in order for you to make your goals successful. With the help of a few marketing must-haves, you can grow your business, increase your revenue, and scale your impact. And, isn’t that what we all want to do?

Here are the 3 Marketing Must-Haves to Reach Six Figures!

1. A clearly defined audience

One of the biggest things I see entrepreneurs, coaches, and business owners struggling with is clearly defining their target audience.


When we, as business owners say, “My business can help everyone.” We’re missing the mark.


The reality is when we try to talk to everybody, nobody listens. 


If you talk to a specific person and you know everything there is to know about them, you’re better able to help them move in the direction both you and they want to go!


When you try to talk to everyone, you’re diluting your message and you’re not helping anyone.


People want to do business with someone who understands them. They want someone who can provide them with clarity and help them reach their goals. 


Your business isn’t about you. Your business is about your clients. Once you understand this. You can get to the core of marketing to your ideal client. Then, you can begin to understand the problem that needs to be solved.


Think beyond things like age and gender. Those are helpful but not nearly enough!

2. A solution to that audience’s problem

Knowing the exact problem your target audience has right now allows you to open the doors for them to see that you have a solution to that specific problem. 


You sell them what they want, and give them what they need. Oftentimes, people don’t know what it is that they actually need. They don’t know that at the end of working with you, their entire life is going to change. They just know that right now they have a problem. It’s your job to shift them from knowing they have a problem to seeing that you have the solution.  

3. Invest in your content

Your content is key to being able to connect with your target audience. Understanding what it is they need to hear and which platform they are on is going to help you to connect with them.


When it comes to content, look at things like your messaging, what it is you’re delivering, and how you’re delivering it. Does your ideal client need, want, or desire video content, written word, or audio? Those are the three primary ways we consume content. Ideally, you’ll deliver the content in all three forms – take one primary piece of content and make it usable in the other formats, too. 


However, you need to make sure the message you are sending is clear and connects with them. How the content is delivered won’t matter at all if the content does not connect with your target audience.


And, remember to focus on quality content over quantity content. If you really sit down and create quality content to share with your audience, you can create a connection without feeling drained. Quality is always better than quantity. Trust me. 

If you’re ready to grow your business, increase your revenue, and scale your impact, contact me today! If you want to learn more about the marketing must-haves you’ll need to reach six figures, listen to the latest episode of the Marketing Matchmaker Podcast! And, if you want to grow and scale your business to 6-7 figures, take the Profitable Scaling Quiz today to make a difference in your tomorrow!