I think we can all agree, in 2021, we had some ups and downs throughout the year. As we started to approach 2022, I really wanted to look at my business and see what we did well and what we didn’t do well. What I decided, in my business (for myself and for many of my clients) was that it’s time to go back to the basics.
Your business and your marketing are really about just three things: Who you are, what you do, and who you serve. Those are the three key factors to every business and all of your marketing.
The Three Basics of Business Marketing:
Who You Are
When I say, “who you are,” I mean authentically. Not, who you present to the world. Who is it that your customers would connect with? What is your story? What makes you different from everybody else?
Everyone has a story, whether it’s a story of triumph, tragedy, or perseverance. Who you are and what your story is, that is essential to your marketing.
What You Do
What do you do that’s better than anyone else on the planet? Seriously, what is that one thing?
I say it over and over again, but you need to really focus on that one thing. Sell just that one core offer until you hit your revenue goals – whatever those goals may be. Stick with that one core offer that you have that is providing results for your clients. Then keep improving on that offer until you are completely satisfied with the results you’re producing and the revenue you’re bringing in.
Then, make sure, all of your marketing funnels into that one core offer.
Who You Serve
Who is it that you connect with? Who is your audience? And, what is it that they need to see, hear, and do before they are ready to buy from you?
Sometimes, as we move along in business, we tend to get a little clever. What I mean by that is, we may make our hook something that is a little too esoteric. Sometimes we try to make things feel really good or we try to change others’ feelings about something. But, here’s the reality, people don’t buy feelings. They buy because of feelings.
What do I mean by that? Telling someone that you’re going to make them feel better is way too broad. That won’t lead to a sale. Telling them that you’re going to help them to change their life is also way too broad. It won’t lead to a sale. People can’t quantify that. They can’t get a hold of that and see what it means.
Real-World Examples
If you’re a weight loss coach telling people that you will help them drop a specific amount of pounds in a specific amount of time, that is something tangible that they can hold on to.
If you’re a business coach helping people scale to six figures, that is something that is very tangible. People can understand what it means to hit six figures.
When it comes to messaging for our ideal clients, we really need to be able to land that plane. They need to see concrete end results. And, those end results have to be something that can be quantified and held in their hands. When you’re looking at your marketing message, get back to basics! Are you creating a message that your ideal clients want and need to hear?
Dating Your Ideal Client
At Virtual Marketing Experts, we really do believe that helping coaches create relationships with their ideal clients is just like dating. Just like dating, when you’re creating a relationship with your ideal client, there are five stages that you move through – the introduction, the flirting, the dating, commitment, and finally, keeping the romance alive. Each of these stages matches up to the stages of a sales funnel.
Understanding the different phases of what you do and how you’re communicating with your audience at each of those stages is absolutely essential to growing your business. This is necessary when building out your marketing strategy and getting back to basics.