Episode 50 – Marketing Mythbuster
Show Notes
Marketing is a strategy and a concept. A multitiered, multilayer process that actually brings success. So when we talk about marketing, marketing is more than one simple tactic. Join me today as I bust another myth about marketing that could be holding you back from making 7 figures.
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Hey there. Thanks for listening and welcome to the marketing matchmaker podcast. If you're looking to grow your business, increase your revenue and scale your impact all while staying true to who you are and the people you serve. This is the show for you. I'm Jennifer Tamborski, digital marketing strategists, fractional CMO, and founder of Virtual Marketing Experts. My team and I work with six and seven figure coaches, consultants, and online entrepreneurs who are tired of playing the guru game of one size fits all marketing. They're ready to create a business and marketing strategy that actually builds relationships with their ideal clients creates massive shifts in their business and rapidly increases their revenue. As your marketing matchmaker, I'm going to help you find the perfect marketing match for you. This show will teach you how to reach your ideal client, connect with your audience, build that perfect relationship and generate more revenue. All through a process I like to call dating your ideal client. Now let's go have some fun!
Hey there, welcome back to Marketing Matchmaker and welcome to 2022. When this episode's air, it is really the second week of January in 2022, which is kind of awesome. Honestly, I have to say that I am so looking forward to this new year and really hitting the ground running.
I spent a lot of the last quarter of last year getting ready to hit 2022, the ground running in 2022, setting up all of those processes and the marketing for my own business that can help me to grow and scale. And I am going to throughout the next couple of weeks, share some of those tips and tricks and ideas of things that we have been doing in Virtual Marketing Experts, that's really been working for both myself and for my clients today. However, I wanted to focus on something that, um, is gonna be a little bit of fun.
So at the end of 2021, the last two episodes of the year, I did, uh, some episodes. I called marketing myths and they were a huge hit. I mean, honestly, I got rave views and so many comments and I appreciate it on the marketing myths. I actually had someone come and ask if I could do them more often and, and do something like myth busters, right? Marketing myth busters. And I was like, you know what? That sounds like a fun idea. So that is what I am doing in this episode.
We're focusing on another marketing myth, something completely different from the last two episodes. So if you haven't listened to the episodes at the end of 2021, I encourage you to head back there and take a listen to those marketing myths that are killing your business. This week we're gonna play marketing MythBusters.
So only am I going to tell you the marketing myths, I'm going to tell you what to do instead. And I'm going to base this all off of actual information from a recent client's success, because they were actively engaged in this marketing myth before they came to work with us. So marketing myth, I only need to do one thing in order to successfully grow my business. Now it can be, I only need to do social media. I only need to do Facebook Ads. I only need to do email marketing. I only need to network any. And all of this are marketing myths.
When you say, I only need to do anything that my friends is a myth because quite frankly, in life in general, "I only" is a ridiculous statement. Because there is more to life than one thing. So when we talk about marketing, marketing is more than one simple tactic.
Marketing is a strategy and a concept and a multitiered multilayer or process that actually brings success. And that only works my friends when you are really focused on who your customer is and really connecting with them on an individual level. Now, when I say that, what I really mean is that when we focus on one tactic, say Facebook Ads, it can absolutely bring you success. I mean, I am a Facebook Ads expert.
We specialize in that, in this company and saying that my clients should only do Facebook Ads really creates a disservice to them because I know that while Facebook Ads should be absolutely part of your marketing strategy, it shouldn't be your marketing strategy. Just like social media, only doing social media, posting, doing lives, whatever it is, should be a part of your marketing strategy. It should not be your marketing strategy.
So I wanna tell you a little story about a client of ours. When they came to us, I would say March of last year, they were already a successful business. They were easily making 25 to $30,000 in revenue consistently month over month. However, my client has a goal of really being a million dollar business, which for those of you that don't know breaks down to about $80,000 a month in sales. So the question becomes, how do we do that? And how do we do it successfully?
When we set down, we realize that the only thing they were doing were Facebook Ads. So they were successfully running Facebook Ads. Facebook Ads were converting. They were making a nice profit. Now I will say when they came to market work with us, we took their cost per lead from $12 down to $3 to $6 per lead, which astronomically increased their sales in just 60 days because the cost per lead was lower.
That being said that wasn't all we did. We sat down with them and really created a customer journey and looked at where people were not getting the information or connection or interaction they needed in order to take that next step. Here's the thing, in marketing or in sales, I guess I should say it takes somewhere between five and 12 touches with a cold prospect to get the am ready to purchase from you. So what that means is that they have to interact with you somewhere between five and 12 times.
Now you're always going to get that one person that finds you, loves your message, loves what you're selling and automatically buys. They are absolutely out there. However, when it comes to long term strategy and really scaling to those high numbers, you need to realize that you get to create touch points along the customer journey, so that at different points, they get different messages and can connect with, with you and be ready to buy and really understanding what that means for your customer and your audience is super important.
So back to my client, we sat down figured out that he had a massive email list. I mean, massive as relative, right? But he had a really good size email list. He had about 15,000 people on his email list and he was continuing to bring in at least a hundred people a week. So on average, when he started working with us, he was bringing in new leads anywhere from 400 to 800 leads per month. However, he was only converting about 1% of those.
When we really started looking at it, we realized he wasn't doing anything with those people on his email list. He wasn't nurturing them or sending out emails or to touching in any way that next step in the customer journey, which made our job a little easier in that we could create a nurture sequence, a nurture sequence for all of those people to reengage them on the email list and start getting purchases incoming in that way.
So what that did for our client was between June and August, we started doing just that; creating nurture sequences, re-engaging that email list while we were still bringing in new leads from Facebook, we're engaging them on their nurture sequence and engaging that email list. So by September, we hit about the $50,000 mark when it came to sales, just that was our growth over that period of time.
Now that's also awesome, right? Because that means he's making about a half a million dollars in his business, which is fantastic. And we held that month after month. We've definitely held, continuing every month to grow a little bit more. Now here's where the cool part is came in. We then sat down and went, okay, this is working. What else can we do? What else can we do in order to grow that contact that interaction with your audience?
And we devised another step in this customer journey that would help to take people and convert them. So we implement that, that step in November and December, he closed out December as the highest month he had ever had in his business. And that for me is a huge accomplishment because I love when my clients can do that. But here's the thing.
He closed it at over $200,000 in December, just by making simple changes to his marketing strategy and realizing that it is a multitier strategy.
We were able to significantly increase his sales each month. Now in December, at the end of December, he asked me a question. He goes, can you tell me how these people, where they came from? Like, what are we doing that is really creating these sales? So I did, I dove, dived, into the numbers, the analytics, the information, because really that's what we need to know.
And it turns out that about 85% of his sales in December and November came from his email list from before we started working with him. Why? Because they had been left on that email list to just languish. And when we started to engage them and nurture them, they got the information they needed to be ready to buy. And that's my friends is what I really mean by that multilayer, multi-tier system, realizing that marketing in and of itself is a process to help them grow from cold audience of not knowing who you are or what you do, or sometimes even that they have a problem, moving them to warmer audience, at least understanding they have a problem, and that you are the solution to the problem, into hot audience, where they are ready to step into that commitment and buy from you.
That's the process of marketing in a nutshell, in a very condensed version, how you set that up is completely to you.
What works for your audiences is completely up to you and understanding that you get to implement more than one thing more than just Facebook Ads or more than just social media marketing, or even more than just networking is vital to growing your business in 2022.
So my friends, I would love to challenge you with this podcast to sit down with your marketer strategy for 2022, and really look at that customer journey. How are they coming in? What are you doing with them once they get in the door and how are you going to get them to the purchase point? Because that's the whole point of business. Yes, as coaches, we want to transform the world, we want to change lives. However, as business owners, we also want to create a sustainable viable business that is bringing in an income that we are comfortable growing with.
So take an opportunity to really focus on that. And if you're struggling or if you don't know where to start, reach out. We are always happy to help and sit down with you and really up that comprehensive marketing strategy that you need to really scale and successfully accelerate the growth of your business. Because at Virtual Marketing Experts, growing your business just got a lot easier.
Thank You for listening to the Marketing Matchmaker podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your feedback. Please head over to iTunes and leave a review so we can hear from you. And if you are a coach, consultant, or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income, and scale your impact connect with me at yourmarketingmatchmaker.com. I look forward to hearing from you.