Episode 32 – 3 Mistakes Keeping You From Scaling

Show Notes

I see these same mistakes again and again, they seem almost universal. I wanted to share them with you to help you to see these blind spots in your business, because when we can see it we can recognize it, and when we recognize it we can do something to fix it.

Listen in as I discuss 3 mistakes keeping you from scaling your business to the next level.

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Hey there. Thanks for listening and welcome to the marketing matchmaker podcast. If you're looking to grow your business, increase your revenue and scale your impact all while staying true to who you are and the people you serve. This is the show for you. I'm Jennifer Tamborski, digital marketing strategists, fractional CMO, and founder of Virtual Marketing Experts. My team and I work with six and seven figure coaches, consultants, and online entrepreneurs who are tired of playing the guru game of one size fits all marketing. They're ready to create a business and marketing strategy that actually builds relationships with their ideal clients creates massive shifts in their business and rapidly increases their revenue. As your marketing matchmaker, I'm going to help you find the perfect marketing match for you. This show will teach you how to reach your ideal client, connect with your audience, build that perfect relationship and generate more revenue. All through a process I like to call dating your ideal client. Now let's go have some fun!

Hey there, Welcome back to Marketing Matchmaker. We are heading right into fall, seriously how did that happen. This past year has simply flown by for me. My kids are back in school, my oldest just headed to College. That’s a big change in our family and house, and I’m so very excited for her, while still feeling all the feels for my baby growing up. I get to watch this amazing woman grow up, I don’t know about you, but I try and allow my kids to the freedom to make their own decisions, even when I see the potential fall involved That being said, there are times that I get to share my wisdom with them, whether they choose to take that info is completely up to them. 


On that train of thought, I wanted to share some of my wisdom from working with high 6 and 7 figure, as well as those coaches that are wanting to scale to those high 6 and 7 figures.  Last we we were chatting about the necessary pieces to have in place in order to scale. Today, we're going to talk about the three most common mistakes to scaling your business I see people making that are stopping them from hitting their six figure seven figure goals. 


I see these same mistakes again and again, they seem almost universal. I wanted to share them with you to help you to see these blind spots in your business, because when we can see it we can recognize it, and when we recognize it we can do something to fix it. 


Let's start talking about what are these three common mistakes that I see happening again and again. 

Mistake #3 shiny object syndrome. I’ve actually done an entire episode on this topic because it’s so very common, though that episode focuses more on the fact that as coaches we have a million ideas we want to provide for our clients. The fact of the matter is that shiny object syndrome applies to marketing as well. There is always a new marketing technique or platform that will be coming up. Take Clubhouse for instance, it was all the rage for a while there, and definitely has the ability to grow your community. However, one thing I know for sure is that when we divide our attention between platforms or attempt to do too many things at once, something is going to suffer. Often when this happens, your first instinct is, this is amazing and it’s totally going to work for me. It’s just what I need to move my business forward.  So they dive in head first and start doing all the things needed to complete the tactic. But….and here’s where shiny object syndrome really gets you. The results don’t happen fast enough (cause you know we’re a society of instant gratification) so you give up on the new tactic because you see something else that’s just going to be the one thing that will get the results your looking for.  

Reality is that the best way to create success and scale your business is by mastering one strategy, one funnel, one core offer. When you focus on your one thing you are better able to make the small tweaks necessary to create an amazing business. 

Reality is marketing often takes more time than we think. Because we live in such an instant gratification society, we expect results immediately, and that is just not reality. Even when we’re “done” and have crossed every t and dotted every I we don’t know if it’s right until we launch it out into the world and gather enough data to assess what is working and what isn't. 

You have to spend a bit of time trying testing, failing, improving to master any strategy, any business model, you can't get past that.  There are times that the strategy you choose just isn’t the right fit for you, this is VERY different than jumping from one thing to another. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, marketing isn’t a 1 size fits all process. There are marketing strategies that are better for one business than another. Realizing that what you’ve set up isn’t working for your business model and making a change is smart business. However, moving from one guru strategy to another is always going to fail. 

Mistake #2 is treating your business like a hobby and not a business. If you treat your business like a hobby it will always pay you like a hobby. You have to show up for your business, what I mean by that is stepping out of your comfort, removing yourself from entrepreneur witness protection program and letting people know you have a business. I think this is often the scariest part of being a business owner. So often we worry about what other people are going to say or think about us. Which causes us to hide OR to not share the amazing opportunities we are creating in our lives. Those ugly thoughts of what if this doesn't work show up, and cause us to step back from announcing to the world that we are running our own business. Here’s the thing, just because you build it does not mean they will come, the only way to find clients is by letting the world know you have a business. Often times that starts with your immediate circle. How many people do you know, and how many people do they know. Tapping into your circle of influence can help to grow your business at a much faster pace.  

Additionally, having those people in your life that support you is going to help when times get tough or when work increases and you have to step away to take care of it. 

Another way this shows up is when people refuse to invest in their business. (which to me is crazy because they’re happy to spend money on their hobbies) I saw a meme not to long ago that went something like this

$100 organic groceries - too much

$100 dinner - steal

$250 personal growth seminar - insane

$250 Gucci belt - had to have it

$1000 to start my business - I can’t justify that

$1000 new iPhone - no problem

60 minutes a the gym - I wish I had time

60 minutes of Netflix - time flies

We are all so willing to spend hundreds of dollars (sometimes thousands) on our hobbies. And yet we are unwilling to invest in our business. Notice the words I use here. When you are spending money, you are doing just that wasting it away. However if you are investing there is an expectation of a return on your investment. When you invest wisely in your business, you will see exponential growth and opportunities. 

Everything is about priorities. When we don’t make our business a priority, our business will never pay us in the way we are wanting it too. 

Mistake #1 Trying to DIY everything. The reality is in the beginning of our business we often have to DIY to get it up and running. However there is a point when you are wanting to grow that this is no longer an option. 


One component of scaling is bring in new leads. This often involves funnels and paid traffic. I’m pretty sure if you’re growing your business you’ve either thought about or tried running paid ads. This is one of the areas you want to avoid DIY’ing. I’m sure you’ve seen the info-marketers out there who will try to convince you that it’s easy, reality is successful. Paid ads is a full-time endeavor and quite frankly your time is better spent in other areas of your business. 


Unless you know how to cut hair, more than likely you’re going to go to a hair salon when you need a trim. Unless you are a doctor, you’re (hopefully) going to go and see one when something in your body feels out of whack. So if you aren’t an expert in social advertising, why are you still trying to run campaigns and expect to see expert results. If you can afford to outsource, you should. Time is money (cliché but true) and every minute you spend working outside of your strengths costs you and your business.


There are constant changes that go happen in each of the platforms. If there’s one thing we can guarantee when it comes to social media is that change is inevitable and constant. This takes us back to #1, you probably have very little time to devote to your campaigns in the first place, and now you’ve got to try and sort through a confusing update. This is going to cost you even more. Are these platforms comparable to rocket science? No. Will they drive you crazy and slow you down if you aren’t a pro? Yes.

You have a limited frame of reference.
Agencies manage dozens of accounts and many multiples in ad spend which give them more data, insights, and inspiration. Individually you can only see what’s in front of you and therefore have zero other metrics to gauge your ads growth, success, and effectiveness by. If you want your campaigns to succeed, you have to give them access to a much larger pool of mastery and understanding.

If something goes wrong, you don’t have to pull your hair out trying to fix it.
If you’ve spent any time in Power Editor, you know how often it crashes without warning. If you’ve ever installed a pixel only to find it was not firing correctly a few weeks later, you know how maddening it can be. And that’s just the beginning. If you’re new to the idea of advertising on social media and have no clue what we’re talking about, let us assure you that there are always ongoing little bumps in the road. However, little bumps for an agency can look like HUGE setbacks to someone who isn’t familiar with how to troubleshoot them.

It’s a full-time job with massive amounts of overtime.
A successful campaign takes at least three roles: a copywriter, designer, and ad specialist. It’s not likely you have all three of those skill sets and then the time on top of it to fill those three jobs. If you don’t have the required manpower or time to commit to social advertising and decide to run ads anyways, you might as well be flushing money down the drain. If you can, ALWAYS outsource.


Ultimately it comes down to time and expertise. If you don’t have either of those to commit to your advertising efforts on social media, don’t waste any more energy doing it yourself. If you can afford to outsource, do it. And if you can’t, it’s better to spend your time and money growing the business in other ways until you can hire someone to do it, either internally or an agency.


We can’t be all things in our business, we will never know all the ins and outs of every aspect of a business. You do what you do best and that is really the only thing you should be doing in your business. It’s best to look for experts in their field so that you can grow faster. Seriously, think of the amount of work and time that you have put into what it is you do. When you are wanting to grow and scale to high 6 and 7 figures, partnering with marketing experts will help you to skyrocket your success

Thank You for listening to the Marketing Matchmaker podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, I would love to hear your feedback. Please head over to iTunes and leave a review so we can hear from you. And if you are a coach, consultant, or online course creator who are looking to grow your business, increase your income, and scale your impact connect with me at yourmarketingmatchmaker.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

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