As a marketer with the best of intentions towards your audience, would you be surprised to find perhaps as much as half the mistakes commonly made in email campaigns are done unwittingly, and by you? Or that those mistakes are driving those you truly want to reach away?

One of these mistakes comes from only sending emails when a big product launch is about to happen.  “She has a new product and wants a sale,” your subscriber-by-default says cynically, before going for the “delete” button with the precision of a missile! Remember, from previous blogs, you want to date your client, get to know them, nurture the relationship, not ask them to marry you on a first date!

Unfortunately, you may not get a second date with this customer, but you can at least not frighten new ones away. By simply building a relationship by sending emails packed with useful tips and freebies, (read flowers and candy), before hitting them with expensive products and offers.  People who get something useful or wanted, most of the time – even if that’s just one highly unique and little-known tip (read flowers) they can use – they will be far more likely to open your emails, and check out your sporadic (but consistently spaced) offers. That dear marketer is your second date!

 Screaming Headlines

Email Marketing

Another mistake that gets emails dumped quicker than anything is boring, glib or offensive headlines. You know boring ones like:

“Open This Email Before It’s Too Late!”

They’re so overused, you’ve seen them a hundred times. In fact, just yesterday I got 3 emails warning me time is running out, from the same person for the same offer! These emails don’t give you an incentive to open them. There’s no specific bait or lure, just a vague warning that you are going to miss out.

As for offensive headlines, try to avoid being too clever: 

“Man-Eating Monster from Mars Ate My Pants!”

It might be entertaining enough to intrigue some people, or in this case probably not, but if that doesn’t include your target market reader, you’ve wasted all that creativity and gained nothing! Yes, yes, I know this one is not very creative.

People also tend to get offended at the oddest things. For instance, simply using the word “pants” can get you into more hot water than you’d think. Now, as for profanity, unless your demographic is male, single and under thirty or you know for a fact, your target market will relate and appreciate it, then it is not a good idea.

Before you write “URGENT!” on your “expiring” offer, consider how urgent it will seem to an irritated list member who sees it all too often.

Maybe even several times in a campaign? People tend to use the same phrases, over and over again, leading to a DELETE of your email.

If in fact, you are sending a reminder that an offer really will expire shortly, it’s better to be upfront about it in your email title: 

“Only 3 Hours Left for my Rabbit Breeding eBook offer.” 

By being honest won’t get you any fewer sales than trying to intimidate them about having to “act now as it’s only available for a limited time” – and it may get you more! That said, why you might need a book on rabbit breeding, I am not honestly sure, so this may be a bad example. I am however sure, you get the idea.

Being Controversial

Writing about the best exercise to get you bikini ready may get you an age group way lower than thirty, which is all well and good if that’s who you are reaching out to.  However, if your target market is 50+ years young knitters, it’s the “delete” button again and maybe an angry email, that you now have to deal with.

Remember, ranting about politics or ethics may generate some crazy traffic on your blog, maybe even add subscribers to your list, but is it going to bring you sales when you launch your product or service? Speak to and nurture the audience you will want to sell to later.

In the end, the ultimate result is to have a list who wants to hear from you and is interested in what you have to offer. So, if you are using these tactics, take it back a notch, and stop frightening, intimidating or offending your list with your emails. If you really must be dramatic and flamboyant, if that is the authentic you, then at least try to make those headlines at least relevant and original. Your audience and your sales will thank you!

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