Often times marketing is viewed as a difficult process. There are so many potential pieces that entrepreneurs can get overwhelmed.  I want to share a secret with you….

The truth is Marketing isn’t hard. It’s just sharing and making connections with your ideal client. But there are some important points to always consider when developing the foundation for all of your marketing campaigns.

Here are my 5 secrets to crafting a successful marketing campaign.

  1. Vision. Be clear about your vision.

What is your vision & voice? What, exactly, is your business built on? Many times entrepreneurs lack a clear vision and so they tend to jump from task to task without a clear understanding of what bonds their message together. Maybe your focus is on helping business owners move past their blocks. Your message could center around success. Maybe you’re stepping out as someone and something that places fun, enjoyable experiences first. That message could be playfulness. Maybe you want to help people realize their own strengths & power. Your message could be about authenticity.

Be clear about your vision and ensure all of your messages are tied to them. This way, you remain consistent and clear always. You want all messages, videos, posts, and advertisements to be in line with your voice & vision.

  1. Why. Be clear about your WHY aka your purpose.

Just like your vision, your WHY is the anchor of all of the messages you create and put out there. Understanding why you’re in business, what brought you to launching your business, why others should feel as passionate about your business as you do will help you focus all your messages. Why are you getting out of bed every day for your business? What is it that is driving you right now?

  1. Inspiration. How? Connect the Dots for people.

The truth is that you ideal client may not KNOW they need what you’re selling. They only know what is happening in their own life. You need to connect the dots for them so they can SEE how you can help.

For example, if you have a business that organizes personal spaces, talk about your ideal client’s frustration with always losing her shoes, or misplacing her keys. You can also talk about everyday situations that may not directly be connected to YOUR business but to the feelings your clients often have. So, as a yoga instructor, you could talk about the connection between selecting bad foods, falling into bad habits, and making wrong choices and not having a settled mind or calm routine.

  1. Avatar. Who is your Avatar (ideal client)?

Knowing who you are sending your message to is essential in crafting the message. Is your message directed at women, men, (both), corporate, or nonprofits? Crafting your message in a way that your ideal client can hear will allow you to better connect with that client.

For instance, people like to relate to stories that make them feel empowered, motivated, and inspired. You WANT your clients to be the heroes in their own story. The messages and your business can help them achieve that. Use your vision, why, and inspiration to create stories that your avatar can resonate with. Whether they’re obstacles you yourself overcame or a character you create and bring to life in your posts, people will gravitate to stories and the lessons learned.

  1. Value. What can you deliver right now that will HELP your audience?

What can you give that will give your audience that will introduce them to your unique perspective without buying?

This doesn’t have to be a physical tool. It can be advice, a worksheet, a phone call or something else like a bracelet that ties into your brand, results, and messaging! Be prepared to give as much as you receive.

A successful marketing campaign.

My 5 secrets will provide you with a solid foundation to launch your marketing campaign. By knowing your message and avatar, you will successfully make connections with your ideal clients to grow your business to the next level. While the steps may be simple, there are many pieces that go into it. We can work with you to manage all the parts you need to accelerate your business’s presence through marketing. Contact us today to schedule your free 20-minute consultation call for help with applying any of these 5 marketing secrets.  

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