You’ve decided to get started with online dating (your sales funnel). What comes next?

In the online dating world, you decided which platform you’re going to use and then created your profile. This will be your first introduction to a potential mate.

In the digital marketing and sales funnels, this “profile” is your Landing page.

What is a Landing Pages?

A landing page is the first introduction to your ideal client. Generally it is any page that someone lands on after clicking on an online marketing call-to-action.

Landing pages, like any other part of your online marketing needs to have a specific goal. Without concrete, specific goals, there’s no way to create an effective page. Your goal should be clear before you begin designing your page. Here a few examples:

  • Lead capture page
  • Tripwire page
  • Sales page

What should be on your landing page?

Because this is your first introduction to your ideal client, you want this page to provide enough information about yourself and your product/service or lead magnet that the person landing on your page WANTS to meet you and get to know more about you.

But you don’t want to provide so much information that your “date” (ideal client) feels overwhelmed. Which is why a landing page should have 1 specific focus or Call-to-Action (CTA).

There’s an old saying KISS, Keep It Simple Sister. This is especially true when it comes to developing your landing page. This is because your landing pages should have a very specific goals and shouldn’t include any extraneous information that might distract your visitors and prevent them from converting

What should you say?

Here’s the thing, your landing page MUST give your prospects what they WANT.

Marketing copy must always be focused on what your ideal clients want/desire/need. Which means that unlike a dating profile where you are the focus of conversation. Your landing page should have a minimum amount of text that talks about you. Most of the text should be worded in a way that will resonate with your ideal client. AND the item you’re giving/selling has to be of value to your prospect.

Every single sentence and word on your landing page should serve a purpose, and that purpose should be to support your call to action. Tell your visitors what they want to know in as few words as possible, and get them to respond to your call to action as quickly as possible

Need help writing that copy? Here are a few questions to ask yourself when you are writing your landing page copy. Remember that your focus is your ideal client, not you!

  • What is their biggest Frustration?
  • What keeps them up at night?
  • What scares them?
  • What makes them angry?
  • What are their hopes and dreams? Who or what do they aspire to be?
  • What are their greatest opportunities? Are their opportunities they don’t know about?
  • What is the transformation they will receive?
  • How has your product positively impacted their life? How is their life different now because of your product?
  • What will it cost to NOT HAVE your product? Negative Impacts? What extra pain & frustration? What will they miss out on?

By having these questions answered before you create your landing page text, you will be able to craft a message that resonates with your ideal client.

What should it look like?

Elements of a landing page should include: a captivating headline, a clear and compelling call-to-action button, engaging copy, enticing images, a form.

A captivating headline will make sure your visitors will stick around long enough to see the other elements on your post-click landing page. This makes your headline your MOST important part. Position your offer as an effortless solution to your ideal client’s problems.

A clear and compelling call-to-action button directs your ideal client on exactly what you want them to do. Make sure that your call to action is located near the top of the page, where someone can click it without having to scroll.

Engaging copy helps your ideal client decide if your product/service/lead magnet is what they need. What they want to know most is if your offer is worth downloading/purchasing  — and they want to know quickly. Keep the copy short and sweet, show your ideal client that this is the BEST option for them

Enticing images can often say what your copy doesn’t. Using images that both represent your clients and your brand is important. Using video can increase the speed of that know, like and trust factor that we are all reaching for.  

We’re going to circle back to the KISS for the form. The less information you need to gather the more likely your ideal client is to give you what you need. If this is a sales page you want to make sure your check out section is easy to navigate.

Lastly, a landing page should also be a standalone page that is designed for a specific marketing campaign. Meaning that it has no ties to your website, like global navigation, it is only accessible from the link you’re providing in your marketing content (like the call-to-action in an email or Facebook Ads for example).

Whew, that was a lot…and the reality is I was just getting started. I could go on for hours about this topic discussing the pros and cons of various styles, layouts, and copy. But I won’t bore you with my insane obsession with all things Sales Funnels.

Instead I’ll leave you with this…Your landing page is one of THE MOST important features of your marketing campaign, because it will lead your ideal client to the next step….Taking them for coffee.

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