How crazy is it that we’re already in the fourth quarter of the year? Seriously, this year just flew by for me. There’s been tons of growth and changes over the last 10 months, in my life and in my business. Sometimes it’s hard to really see all of the positive things that have happened when we’re mired in the day-to-day. 


This is why I take at least one week of October to do three things and I think, you’ll see, that you should be doing these same three things as well!

Here are 3 Things You Must do This October to Prepare for the New year: 

  • First I review the last ten months and assess what has worked and what hasn’t. 
  • Second, I make adjustments to my Q4 plan. The reality is, we still have two months to finish the year strong!
  • Lastly, I plan for the next year. This gives me plenty of time to set that plan in motion and launch it in early January

But, Why Bother?

You see, I have been a planner my whole life. I love to map things out and have a really good, tangible idea of what’s happening, how it’s happening, and WHY it’s working or not working. 


Don’t’ believe me? Just ask my family. I drive them crazy with plans. My sister once said to me, “Jennifer, you get everything you want.” While that’s patently untrue, what is truthful in that statement is that I get everything I plan for, because when you have a plan and you successfully execute that plan, you achieve the end goal. 


And this, my friends, is exactly what I want for you and your business. 

Why It’s Not Working

Unfortunately, I see too many entrepreneurs try the lean back and fly by the seat of your pants route. And then they wonder why things aren’t going, “their way”.


They throw things around the internet (like throwing spaghetti at the wall), then hope, wish and pray (without a plan) that it’s going to work. I can tell you from observation and experience, IT RARELY WORKS!


I also see many coaches constantly reinventing the wheel. Moving from thing to thing, or offer to offer without following through on that previous thing and evaluating what needs to be shifted or changed. Instead of pivoting one or two small things or making slight changes, they throw the baby out with the bathwater hoping the “next thing” will work, IT RARELY DOES.


This is a theme I discuss with my clients often because the reality is, business owners rarely actually create an overall plan and stick to it in the long term. When people come to work with me, they’ve tried #allthethings and they haven’t worked. Let’s face it we’re a society of instant gratification, and we really want those instant results in our business. I’m even guilty of it myself. 

Make a Plan and Stick to it!

What I know is this, when you make a plan and stick to it, it’s a lot like getting into a car and turning on your GPS. Even if you know where you’re going, putting in your destination allows you to see the BEST and the FASTEST way to get there without too many detours, tolls, or bumps in the road.


This is what planning allows you to do in your business. You know where you’re going (your goal or target) and the best way to get there (the strategies that work FOR you and are in alignment WITH you, your business, and your audience.)

Make it Happen in Q4

Because we’re in month one of Q4, now is the perfect time to take a look at where you’ve been so far this year. Analyze sales performance for the last nine months of the year and review how this stacks up to the objectives you set for 2021. Are you on track to meet your goals? And if you’re not, ask yourself what you can do in the final push of the fourth quarter to meet them? 


Here’s the cold hard truth, we still have a full quarter left to make adjustments and reach those goals or push beyond them. And it also gives us time to look forward to the new year and assess what we want to take with us from 2021 and what we need to change in 2022.


I always begin my planning for the next year in October. Why? Because by October I have a really good sense of what has worked this year and what hasn’t. It allows me to make adjustments to my plan for the fourth quarter AND begin planning for the next year with solid data behind me. 


This is a great time to think of your strategy. You can’t be strategic unless you know what’s most effective. The last thing you want to do is pour more time and money into marketing strategies that didn’t produce any results. 


So as you plan for 2022, make sure you take the time to review your efforts from this past year.

If you’re ready to start planning your marketing for 2022, contact me today! For more about Planning for the New Year, listen to the latest episode of the Marketing Matchmaker Podcast! And, if you want to grow and scale your business to 6-7 figures, take the Profitable Scaling Quiz today to make a difference in your tomorrow!